Saturday, May 19, 2012

for military needs. Diablo 3 CD-KEY for military needs. - OWQJ

129809335833336250_667Tan Zhenlin was sent to the military reports in Fujian white sand, is located in the Western suburb of Fuzhou, got its name because the minjiang river flood large amounts of quartz sand. In early October 1937, the Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi provincial CPC was established in Pak Sha. The corner from a great deal of attention. In early 1938, the CPC Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi provincial party Committee suddenly received a telegram from the Jiangxi Nanchang Army military. Telegraph in addition Rift Platinum, informed the militaryEstablished cases, demands that the provincial party Committee immediately sent to Nanchang adapted reporting on a guerrilla zone and talks the guerrillas. After the provincial CPC Committee Secretary Zhang Dingcheng electric, is convening organization Minister Fang Fang, propaganda Minister, Tan Zhenlin, Deng Zihui, military Minister informed. After we heard the news, and are very happy. Provincial party Committee immediately decided to send Tan Zhenlin to military reports, accept the official seal, order andNegotiating force adaptation. Tan Zhenlin know the bumpy trip, far away, and responsibility, not to slip, immediately begin preparations. He drafted a Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi provincial party Committee, and report outline of Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi guerrilla struggle, managed to come up with a detailed map of Fujian, for military needs. , He also specifically from the Red Army guerrillas and local transit stations in the selected12 people, all accompanied by Mauser pistol, formed a security class. This guard class is not just escort Tan Zhenlin went to Nanchang, and more important task is to remain in Nanchang Xiang ying as Army Deputy Commander and Political Commissar of the security forces. Prior to this, Xiang Ying alone went to Nanchang assignment with no security personnel. Very busy at that time, frequently going out, there are concerns. That Tan ZhenlinNanchang, he made special with one class to Tan Zhenlin he guards. On January 10, Tan Zhenlin shouldering the great trust of the Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi provincial party Committee, with guards and Entourage say goodbye to white sand, went to Nanchang. 15th, they took a car arrived in Ruijin, Jiangxi province. Ruijin is an ancient city, located in the South-Eastern border of Jiangxi province, Mai West foot of Wuyi Mountain. First year of Tang Tianyou reset Ruijin prisonBecause "dig gold, gold for the Swiss", thus come the name of Ruijin. Ruijin is a major traffic arteries, mode choke in Jiangxi, Fujian and throat, Prime for the three provinces of Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong. During the second revolutionary, as the temporary seat of the Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic of Ruijin, was once named "Welcome to Beijing". Red background of Ruijin Diablo 3 power leveling, inevitably Tan Zhenlin has introduced a special closeness Diablo 3 CD-KEY, combined with continuous daysTravel, and now, a pedestrian a little exhausted, Tan Zhenlin was decided in the open space of Ruijin. So, one army comes to Ho Pui Street Office in Ruijin. When they arrived at the offices of Ruijin, the night has fallen. January night, North wind ROAR, chill assaulting people. Office personnel immediately welcoming into the Interior of these comrades coming from afar, Cook gruel water, buy a carbon roast. Happy and harmonious warmthShabby cottage when filled. 123 «» Others:

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