Saturday, May 19, 2012

President of international exchange of mining right SWTOR Power Leveling President of internationa

129809687905367500_7This morning, by CISA, China Minmetals chemicals import and export Chamber of Commerce, Beijing International initiated the establishment of China's iron ore mining rights exchange spot trading platform, trading in Beijing officially opened, marking the Chinese iron ore will be more reasonable and transparent price formation mechanisms. At 10 o'clock in the morning, marking the "Chinese spot trading platform" open gongsWas sounded. Members of the more than more than 100 units began trading on the platform, sold the first international transit of 165,000 tons of PB powder alone, sold for $ 145/tonne. China iron ore iron ore trading trading platforms are now on line 34, covers basic iron ore powder on the market, lumps, pellets, making ball four products typical of fine powder. Iron oreSpot trades are divided into cash in transit, free trade zone and port spot three categories, bgrimm has also established a benchmark system and price system. Beijing Dong Chaobin told a press conference, President of international exchange of mining right, we all dealer inquiries, forming our benchmark and weighted average prices, as a benchmark of the open day offer, price limits, is inBase price plus or minus 10% we as normal within the context of a quote. Dong Chaobin says, in order to prevent speculation, platform only spot trading-related businesses, not developing futures, swaps, and other derivatives business. At the same time, buyers and sellers must be a member of the trading on the platform, currently receives only the mining, iron and steel enterprises at home and abroad and trade into SWTOR Power Leveling, due toAt present, there are 152 companies become platform of trading members, among which 120 are the territory of enterprises, including Baosteel, ansteel, 62 of iron and steel, Wuhan iron and steel group, corporate and Minmetals 58 iron and steel trading companies, 32 for overseas companies, including Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton international mining. Anshan (micro-blogging) international tradeLi Daguang, General Manager of the company, told reporters, according to the development for some time to come, normal, our volume of trade, spot platform should at least account for more than 30%. Focus on iron ore deal hope iron ore pricing transparency in the industry is second only to oil as the world's second-largest iron ore trade commodities, China iron and steel industry over the years demand for iron ore has greatThis greatly led the development of the global mining industry, China is the world's largest importer of iron ore in 2011, imports accounted for 70% of global iron ore trade.����But as the demand for power, iron and steel enterprises in China has no iron ore pricing power. Data from CISA show 2011 Trojan 686 million tons of iron ore import in China, which importsOre-spot 72.3%, average CIF price of $ 163.84/ton, 2010 $ 128.99/ton or ton for the same period was up $ 34.85, or 27%. Vice Chairman of China iron and steel Association told reporters Wang Xiaoqi, rapid increases in the prices of iron ore, US steel (2011) to pay outMeeting about 24 billion dollars. Wang Xiaoqi said that the index of three mainstream iron ore in the world today, namely, steel TSI index and general index United Kingdom metal leader MBIO index. Widely used in spot trading in the General index, general index of collecting the data primarily through telephone enquiries, and join analysts estimated composition, preparation of lack of penetrationLightness, its legitimacy and impartiality of various General questions. Xu xuchang, President of China Minmetals chemicals import and export Chamber of Commerce told a press conference, we generally feel a general index of common prices, generally are high relative to the other two indices, and second, it is the formation of index of price formation is not transparent enough, confidential. 4,957 reporter has learned, China railwaySpot transactions on the trading platform, changes in spot trading of a single iron ore in the past on the way, reducing transaction costs. Mailishi told a press conference, President of Vale China, platform to improve our efficiency, if the one-to-one talks like the original, this trade not really reflect supply and demand situation in the market, if there are multiple participation in talks, Transaction prices are likely much more reasonable.����Focus on iron ore iron ore trading unfairly priced Chinese mills was "clutch throat" imported iron ore price rise year after year have been well known, which in addition to high degree of monopoly in the supply of iron ore, and existing unfair trading mechanisms are also important causes of iron ore. In 2011, the Chinese steel market demand, steel dropPoor sales. But even so, the CIF prices of imported iron ore still up 27% in the same period. This results in the 2011 domestic steel industry-wide profits of only $ 87.5 billion TERA Power Leveling, down 5%.����And when the big three giants of the profit sum exceeding 50 billion dollars, is 5 times times the sum of the domestic 77 main steel enterprises. Hebei Puyang iron and steel Deputy General Manager Wang Jianan told in mind, The entire 4 quarters of last year, high ore it or pay a fee. Yang Siming, Nanjing iron and steel Group Co Ltd Chairman, told reporters that the iron ore and coal, as the two most important components of the cost of iron and steel products, all upstream monopoly.����This caused serious losses of iron and steel industry for two reasons. Reporter contact some of the iron and steel enterprises in China, overseas in GeneralSpot iron ore pricing model based on the index of serious unfair, resulting in domestic steel companies have no say. Nanjing iron and steel Yang Siming, Chairman telling reporters, such as 1000 people today want to buy ore, 990 price too high does not buy, only 10 people bought. Bought this after 10 people prices are set by the next execution price of 1000 people. (StartPicture of mine) second, the buyer loses the actual choice. This index is for you as long as the mine, it will be the full month average. You do not have the right to choose. Third, we can buy with us daily index price to mine Rift Platinum, to restore calculation, DI to something like a month than the high 5, 6, 7, up to $ 9. OnIs the index which is high.����At present, the iron ore prices are becoming domestic Mills could not bear weight. Metal products, General Manager of Shanghai MW Yue Lianyuan told a press conference, now the best is to control production. After the control in order to bring prices down. (Early price? ) To high. Is now up to $ 150. The beginning () more than 130 dollars.Focus on iron ore trading in spot trading platform: decided to market trading volume effects in order to strive for iron ore pricing right, CISA's iron ore price index was launched in 2011, but the market is greeted.����So, today's spot trading platform can change the existing pricing model? Reporters learned from the iron and steel industry in the Industry Department of the Shanghai, ironVolume of ore will directly determine the size of the market value of the trading platform. West Shinkansen high researcher Qiu Yue told reporters after the launch of the spot trading platform, it will create the index, it should be said that it is based on a real-time transaction data, it is the transaction support of Singapore, a senior trader of iron ore were of the view that iron ore dealPatterns from a long-term agreement to become the spot price has become an irresistible trend. International mining giant in Singapore introduced the spot trading platform.����However, they will put in how much weight is on the platform in the country is unknown. Singapore, iron ore traders to told reporters that when I started out I guess it will not be much trading volume, but I personally think thatAnd with the passage of time, with the continuous perfection of the platform, this platform will gradually increase in trading volumes in the future.����Spot iron ore after the platform launched, trading more transparent, some private small and medium-sized steel mills in the country can be changed only from the situation of traders and steel goods. Shanghai industry and Commerce steel Chamber of Commerce Vice President Duan Zhibai UNCTAD told reporters that these small businessesOn the purchase is to have hundreds of meals we said, can be said that the cost has always been a tone that they purchase, so in the past so many years, they have to learn how to swim in the sea, so the platform of the building, just gives them more opportunities Others:

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