Saturday, March 31, 2012

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129773184405625000_26Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleColumn of interview and observation weekly comments you say global financial issue 2012 > body font size print RSS source March 26, 2012: the financial year of the national "SEF"Fiscal budget vote, abstain and not vote total of 581 votes, its vote in favour does not 20.2% a record high. This indicates that the delegates would gradually decrease in interest in budget review, discontent is on the rise in the fiscal budget.  To a large extent, the budget review process resembles the motions of the national people's Congress. This status exposed, is the current budget reviewMany problems in the supervision. Including the procedures of examination and supervision of more substantive examination and supervision of small budget examination and supervision of the quality and effectiveness of less-than-ideal, needs to be improved and increased budget examination and supervision track not found problems in the implementation, and not in time, due to administrative and management structures and other reasons, many poorly handled the problem, often to nothingDue to current budget limitations and defects of the relevant provisions of the Act, supervision over the budget adjustment, budget surplus from a mere formality, results not yet due; lack of regular budget implementation, continuous track inspection and ongoing monitoring, discovery fails to correct the problem to solve. Improve the quality of budget examination and supervision, various work needs to be done. A isDeepen the understanding of the main characteristics of the national budget, raising awareness of budget examination and supervision, and this is the important foundation for improving budget examination and supervision; the second is the science budget, prepare the budget, provides scientific, reasonable and refining the draft budget of the people's Congress, which is a primary prerequisite of strengthen budget examination and supervision; three is the clear direction of the NPC's review of the oversight budget and urged relevant DepartmentEarly series fine budget, clear highlights of the preliminary budget of the NPC, strengthen supervision over the budget adjustments and used surplus, improving the quality and effectiveness of budget examination and supervision; four is to speed up the pace of fiscal and tax legislation, in particular, to amendments to improve the budget act in a timely manner, in order to strengthen budget examination and supervision of the NPC, provided the legal basis and system protection. The current national people's Congress is the currentThe budget Act amendment, is at the end of last year on the amendments to the budget law (draft). Amendments to improve the budget involves many aspects of the law, but not by a modified to solve all of these problems. Its amendment should follow the statutory, scientific nature, openness, integrity diablo 3 power leveling, key principles, mainly address the following six issues should be studied.First, refinement and the science budget, enhanced the scientific budget and integrity. Financial Department of traditional budgeting cycle is 3-4 months, preparation time was late and short, are too simple and rough, affect the scientific nature of budgeting. To overcome the problem of budgeting too late too rough, early series fine budget, improving the quality of budgeting, key to increase the budget forIntegrity and scientific. Budget law must be clear in the following four points: one is the budget from the budget a year before the beginning of the year to the end of the end, preparing for a period of 12 months, in the draft budget before the beginning of each budget year must all be prepared; second, the Central Government budget and local budgets at all levels in accordance with double budgeting, dual budget including public budgets, the Government fundsBudget, budget of State-owned assets management, the social security budget; three is to prepare the budget, government public budgets at this level by level of income and expenditure budget preparation, budget of State-owned assets management and major construction projects prepared by categories, by type of social security and the benefits of social security budget preparation, transfer payments payments by transfer, transfer of special categories in General compiled fourBudgeting method should be phased in, in accordance with the State budget requirements of the principles of integrity, scientific establishment the dual budget system, the dual budget system should include the general public budget, State-owned assets operating budgets, Social Security Fund budget, the Government budget. Second, the standard use of the budget surplus, strengthening the monitoring of the budget surplus. To strengthen the budgetSurplus use oversight, must be clear in the budget Act requires the Government financial sector continue to improve budget predictability, and science, while clearly states: If the budget surplus, surplus revenue be used to cover budget deficits and other major expenditures, too late to arrange expenditures can be carried forward to the next year's budget spending. The budget implementation process, if needed the surplusTotal supplementary expenditure exceeded the original budget spending of income 1%, financial departments of the Government budget adjustment programmes should be sent after the first instance of the Working Committee of the NPC financial and Economic Committee and the budget and report it at the NPC Standing Committee for examination and approval if needed the surplus when supplementary expenses total less than the original budget bill 1%, by the financial Department of the Government of the NPC financial and Economic Committee and the Budget Committee informed in a timely manner, and to the same-Level people's Congress Standing Committee report is expected surplus from use. Thirdly, clear budgetary adjustment, strengthen budget examination and supervision of the adjustment. Regulating the behavior of government budget adjustment, strengthening the examination and supervision of the Government of the people's Congress Standing Committee on budget adjustment, the budget law must be more clearly defines the concept of budgetary adjustment, boundaries, scope, procedures and requirements, the SpecialIs to rigorously scientific definition of the concept of budgetary adjustment. Concept of budgetary adjustment should be amended to read: "the budget adjustment refers to the central budget approved by the national people's Congress and local-level budgets approved by the local people's congresses at all levels, due to special circumstances in the Executive need to increase spending or reduced income, the total revenue and total expenditure of the originally approved budget change more than 1% Or the originally approved budget total expenditure exceeds income, or to pass the imperial exams at the provincial Level by the originally approved budget increase in the amount of the debt part of change. "On budget adjustments should be provided for:" in the budget implementation star wars credits, in the event of one of the following changes in budget revenue and expenditure of the Government level should be brought to the attention of the NPC Standing Committee for examination and approval: one is the originally approved level of total budget expenditure exceeds the total collectionInto of; II is this level budget income changes over 1% of, or this level budget total expenditures changes over 1% of; three is this level Congresses approved budget resolution in the stressed ensure of budget focus expenditures project and statutory will insurance of expenditures project needs adjustable reduced index of; four is than original approved of budget pass the imperial exams at the provincial Level take debt of amounts increased of; five is other may caused budget revenues and expenditures unevenScale of budgetary adjustment programme. "On budget adjustment procedure should be provided for:" budgets must be adjusted due to special circumstances, should the Government make budgetary adjustment programme and submitted for examination and approval by the Standing Committee at the same level in the third quarter of the year. One month before the meeting of the Standing Committee for approval, adjusting the budget plan submitted to the Finance Committee and the Budget Committee for preliminary review. "IV, Standardized budget examination and supervision, strengthen budget examination and supervision. A major flaw in the budget law was in force, lack of people's congresses and their standing committees on budget examination and supervision of the substantive content, directly affect the people's Congress on budget examination and supervision of quality and effectiveness. Revised budget should be to introduce a chapter specific content of people's Congress and its Standing Committee to strengthen budget examination and supervision,Specific proposals are as follows: first, it is clear the NPC financial and Economic Committee held a forum on the draft initial budget, and lunzhenghui, Treasury door to trial to feedback in a timely manner; second, can instruct the auditing Department of the Standing Committee on key sectors and key projects conducted a special audit of the use of funds, and to report the results of audits; three representative or a member of the Standing Committee of the NPC can, in accordance with the statutory procedure, budget summaryBe asked a question about, and the Standing Committee on the budget and final accounts of any major issues or specific issues in special surveys; five is the NPC Standing Committee to hold hearings on major issues in the budget examination and supervision, to review the budget, making resolutions; six are NPC emphasised the items of expenditure in the budget resolution and statutory compulsory insurance forIndex of projects need to be reduced, shall be reported to the NPC Standing Committee approved implementation; seven members of the Standing Committee in accordance with the statutory procedure, amendments to the budget proposed by eight is adhere to the principle of budget, before spending, compile a provisional budget, budgeted expenditures of the specification before the NPC was held nine budget is a citizen or organization has the right to violate laws and regulations, toNational People's Congress and its Standing Committee or other exposures or charges the State organs concerned; ten is responsible for violation of the provisions of executive accountability leadership and personnel in charge or other legal liabilities. V, empowerment of local government at the provincial level appropriate debt, debt management will place into the orbit of rule of law. In accordance with the existing law on budget, local governments did not cite claims。  But in practice, because of various reasons, local Governments generally have more or less debt, particularly since the beginning of 2008, part of the local government debt and debt pressures. Debt to be controlled within the range of safe and reliable, proceed from the actual situation in China, claims of empowerment of local government at the provincial level should be appropriate andThe local debt management into the orbit of rule of law. The budget law must be clearly defined: one is based on the actual situation of socio-economic development in the region, the local Provincial Government can be raised will be the scale of debt, where provincial debt proportion of GDP in the same year local area should be controlled within 3%, provincial debt balance within the region's share of GDP should be under 20%; The second was to strictly local debt, raise the debt of local governments at the provincial level, mainly used to make up for the previous year's deficit, return of old debt and the other much-needed financial expenditure of local Government; three is to strengthen debt management, the strict debt constraints tera power leveling, local debt income and expenditure should be included in the budget management, provincial debt budget deal with the former local debtIssued lines, and main uses, and using period, and borrowed rates, and using way and debt coupon made more description, and by this level NPC review approved and supervision; four is to strengthening claims debt responsibility, established sound settlement debt mechanism, in issued local bond or for local debt financing Shi, must clear local debt of issued main, and made debt scale, and made debt program, and reimbursement mechanism, and made debtResponsibility, debt funds and performance evaluation, and included local provincial government term target responsibility system, and linked to the performance appraisal of local heads of provincial. VI, strict liability, strengthen budget constraints. At present violations of budget management species range, violate the more serious, current law provides liability of content and less emptyAnd lack of action. To strict liability, strengthen budget constraints, amending budget and enumerated by the law should take an overview combining methods, more generally, harms more focused list of violations of budget management, development of appropriate liability and penalties, and depending on the seriousness of offenders, relevant departments main leadership and personnel corresponding rowsPolitical responsibility or liability. Is in strict accordance with the tax according to the rate of income, receivable collection, tax revenues levied in full and on time, is not in accordance with planned indicators or less task syndrome, syndrome, loose ladder tax, or tax or tax in disguise, is prohibited unauthorized tax reduction or exemption; the second was against interception, misappropriation of revenue and not confuse the revenue levels at all levels, will be allowed toChange levels of revenue; three are against altering the use of fiscal funds, not to use financial funds for other uses, are also not allowed to flow between budget items with four departments, units, sishe accounts is prohibited, both allowance shall not breach or pretexts are all subsidised; five is a sound debt management system, local debts included in budget management,Target management of local debt risk, guard against financial risks, raise debt exceeds the legal provisions without authorization, or unable to pay off the debt expires, hold local leaders and personnel responsibilities. The budget law is the most important system of protection of the public budget, and the core of the public budget and public finance. "16" was the CentralConstantly reiterated the goal of building public service Government, amendments to the law on budget, is the most important step towards this goal. Others:

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129773184436093750_0Report from (reporter Li Qiumeng) this week tera power leveling, the city enabled the first ophthalmological consultation Center with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.   Yesterday, reporters learned from the Chinese medicine sector, consultation center located in Chinese Academy of medicine eye hospital, the future, patients with severe eye disease through consultation, a one-time top like Tongren hospital tera gold, Union Hospital of Ophthalmology specialists. It is understood that the current AssociatesNational top eye disease specialist hospital to hospital, even if the price is $ 300 more expensive diablo 3 power leveling, special needs, often is first hard to find. Many patients with severe eye disease is running a lot of hospitals, with different experts repeatedly confirmed. Consultation Center will come from the hospital and Tongren hospital, Union Hospital, 301 North Hospital ophthalmology center senior experts gathered together,Patients do not have to rush about everywhere, one visit can be treated with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine for complete one-stop.   Ophthalmological consultation Center with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, TCM and Western medicine of experts will complete the monthly periodic joint consultations of experts, these experts from different hospitals in accordance with fundus disease, glaucoma, eye diseases are divided into different groups such as tumors, three experts House call at a time. According to reports, theAt present, the consultation fees at their own expense, since costs of hospitalization and treatment are in accordance with the general health insurance settlement and payment.    Can be individually by Chinese Academy of medicine eye hospital in patients with expert phone consultation centre. () Others:

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129624457881093750_34Technologies des messages et des communications de Tha?lande que ministre ANU gouttes ・ Nakhon dit-il sur 5 de pénétrer illégalement premier ministre yingla・xinawa micro-blog un ? pirate ? arrêté star wars credits, peuvent faire face à deux ans d'emprisonnement. Collège étudiant ajiawei・tongdiwolakun, 22 ans diablo 3 power leveling, s'est rendu dans les enquêtes menées par le personnel d'application de la Loi. Il a avoué avoir lui-même 2e vol-britannique microblog comptes, publication 8Microblogged, a critiqué agenda politique yingla que sa réponse inefficace pour les inondations. Un microblog a écrit : "think about it, si elle ne peut pas protéger même son propre compte Twitter, comment peut elle protéger état ? Hacker ? British puis a répondu, disant que ? "est les ? violations des droits des citoyens ? et temporairement fermé son compte Twitter. ANU gouttes 5e, a déclaré lors d'une conférence de presse :? Ajiawei m'a dit qu'il était innocent parce qu'il ne savais pas que ce ne soit pas négligeable. Assisté "Accaoui à la Conférence de presse le même jour, portant des lunettes noires et une casquette de base-ball, muet diablo 3 power leveling, impassible. ANU gouttes dit Accaoui admis s'engageant sur sa propre, ? faire regretter ?, susceptible d'être inculpé de droit de la criminalité informatique. S'il est condamné, il affrontera à prison deux ans de. (XinhuaNews-) d'examen : attaque de pirates compte Twitter yingla premier ministre de Tha?lande Tha?lande yingla・xinawa premier ministre Twitter microblog comptes le 2 octobre a été bouleversés, hacker par l'intermédiaire de son compte 8 "tweets" a publié, critiqué les politiques récentes du gouvernement britannique en vigueur. Hacker contr?lée des comptes de la Grande-Bretagne pour environ 20 minutes et liste faible réaction du gouvernement britannique aux inondations et aux ? culpabilité ?. Enfin, noirInvité a écrit : "si elle ne peut pas protéger même son propre compte Twitter, comment peut elle protéger état ? ” Others:

Friday, March 30, 2012

star wars credits creditors can put forward objections. Criminal defence lawyer Chen Youxi thinks -

129773438557656250_27Normative judicial enforcement auctions, master of the Court is not enough, also beware of other intervention. (Beijing morning news Ning Wu antisense oligonucleotide targeting/CFP/) boss something, enterprise was sentenced to death, the innocent suffer, in market economy countries is certainly not a normal phenomenon. Profit only by public authorities, criminal means to abuse behind is in fact power intervention in the economy.Court sentenced now a forfeiture of a certain "all personal property" and other property to shiver in his heart: enterprise will fall, assets failed, even the wife and kids that will also be taken. In a series of major cases of economic crime in recent years, criticized treatment of the property involved was: in front of the Court, property has begun to be forced and relief mechanisms for supervision andIn vain. China University of political science and law professor Fan Chongyi said about relief system of the property involved, has been put on the central judicial reform agenda. He recommended the establishment of a legal mechanism for judicial review of the approval of the supervisory authority, carried out by the supervisory authority to approve the law, "just when the freezing of property of the parties". Leadership team "fully take over", "Chinese private oil first person", HubeiGong Jialong 2006 is the legal representative of the group, and soon, made up of one led by Deputy Mayor in charge of the economy in Jingzhou city "risk address group" comprehensive group took over days. Wu Shang Li, Chairman of prosperous companies in Anhui Province, in September 2011, due to "illegal fund-raising scam" ne bis in idem was sentenced to death. At the end of 2008, Wu Shang Li shortly after his arrest, bozhou city CPC Committee and the municipal governmentSet up a "prosecuted and prosperous company coordination leading group". Many investors say, has not in the first instance judgment, the company was closed down factories, office buildings and projects, office buildings are privately rented, originally worth hundreds of millions of Hainan block, to purchase price was a secret transfer of a few years ago. Recently was sentenced to death by Hunan provincial higher people's Court of the second instance of jishou entrepreneur Zeng Chengjie, before the first instanceHis property has been led by Luo in Hunan Province "of xiangxi ' 10·2 ' series of illegal fund-raising special investigation group" all secret disposal. In recent years, many of the major cases of economic, there are various "XX group" of the shadow, which in addition to the investigation and handling of cases, has also been directly involved in the disposal of the assets involved. "This is a disguised illegal. "China University of political science and law professor Chen Guangzhong told southern weekendJournalists, with Chinese characteristics of the Panel package of executive power, but in accordance with the legal provisions, once judicial proceedings, the executive authorities have no right to interfere. Lawyer Zhang Ren XING company investors told journalists at the weekend in the South, the disposal of company assets have not involved with the transfer of cases to the courts, local government asset disposal has a strong arbitrary and dispose of the result is not open, opaque, Easily lead to property loss and damage. Moreover, these behaviors tend to occur before the Court ruling, the assets have not been formal qualitative, it has been previously posted on "illegal" tab and then disposed of. Chen Guangzhong, think, contrary to provisions of the criminal procedural law on property disposal, "unless it is dead or escape, or otherwise disposed of in court after the entry into force in order to. "AwkwardSituation happened. In May 2002, Meng Xiaolei, Chairman of a non-government school in Beijing for alleged "misappropriation", was sentenced to 7 years in yangquan, Shanxi province, in July 2002 in Shanxi province High Court judgment of innocence, yangquan attorney to "confiscated" by refusing to return seized property, including a Toyota sedan and $ 990,000 in cash. This is not a solitary case. In 2008August Gong Jialong is "crime of breach disclosure, not disclosing important information" sentenced to 1 year and 7 months in prison. After complaints, September 20, 2011, the Court commuted Gong innocence, but its public company stake in etsong S*ST day on November 22, 2006 was the full transfer. A sledgehammer to kill a chicken, and they suffer bozhou city, officials said, was urgently addressed the nationDivision of property involved, is to "maximize protection of the safety of people and property", but the case has 3 years, investors say they not only did not get a money compensation, the special team has yet to announce the disposition of property. Because most of the similar project does not take the bankruptcy procedure, but the Government managed, Enterprise completely deprived of the rights of investors and creditors. In accordance with the provisions of bankruptcy law, creditor's rightsPeople considered administrators cannot perform their duties according to law, justice or the other cannot be qualified for duty, can apply for the people's Court replacement; if for the Court to dispose of assets discontent, creditors can put forward objections. Criminal defence lawyer Chen Youxi thinks, shut down the Government parties are legitimate enterprises, secret transfer of equity in the operation, also suspected of violations of the Act, "publicSecretary's highest authority is the general meeting of shareholders, the company's normal business activities, the Government has the right to interfere ". Top Chongqing industrial (Group) limited Li Qiang, head of 2009 involving imprisonment. According to the financial report, Li Qiang judgment after the entry into force, the company managed by the special investigation group to the banan District Government, which set up a working group. According to the officers of the Working Group, although the company by Li QiangSupport agent management, agent shall be examined by the District Government, the selection. "Now strong industry of Chongqing Government. "In May 2011 star wars credits, Wu Li in the bozhou, Anhui after the judgment of first instance, over more than 600 investors entrusted a lawyer to the Court of bozhou, Anhui civil proceedings, but the Court" criminal section has not yet been completed, temporarily not accepted "rejected. ForInnocent investors and creditors, the biggest stumbling block in favour of their property rights, is "the first sentence after" judicial practice. Finished when the criminal procedure, victims are often found property also followed up, has no real right to speak of. In accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedural law, if the victim suffered material losses because of the defendant's criminal actions, in the course of criminal proceedings, the right to bring withCivil proceedings. But judicial interpretations of the Supreme in 2000 and to limit the scope of civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings as "suffered material losses due to criminal violations of their personal rights." Therefore, such as victims of illegal financing case, can only be recovered according to the law or order of the Court after the return and compensate, civil proceedings separately. Because businesses involved often shut down by the rude, assets have beenEarly treatment and procedures are not transparent, China University of political science and law professor Chen Guangzhong, saying, "after the first sentence" led to a direct consequence is that "conviction sentence may not be so in criminal cases, civil part has suffered a great loss. "Another dispute is," civil and criminal case ". In the Fund-raising fraud is most typical, is the Fund raising fraud civil fraud, was a criminal fraud, there are differentView. Originally belonging to the economic and civil disputes between shareholders, because of the involvement of the local government, rising to the criminal case. In October 2008, Xu Ronghua Jiangsu Muyang Group shareholders held, local prosecutor personally to the detention center to sign the equity transfer agreement. "When he said that as long as I sign immediately acquitted, otherwise is not good give me a count."Memories that he transfer his fortune shrank overnight 90%. Sector profits, monitoring absence just dip the top of the case with the sector, almost all involved in "justice", particularly the treatment of the property involved. "The property involved is a large fat meat, and courts wanted a piece, often over. "Chen Guangzhong, said that as far as he knows, in some placesCoordination of local Luo stepped in. 2010, several provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the property punishment implementation issues stressed that property punishment by the people's Court of the first instance responsible for referees implementing agencies. According to the criminal procedure law provides that "judgments of confiscation of property, regardless of the additional application or an independent application, were executed by the people's courts; when necessary, the Court may in conjunction with the public securityAuthorities for execution ". In reality some of the public security organs often choose to go it alone. Big shopping mall in Chongqing (Holdings) Ltd legal representative team when in February 2010 was sentenced to life imprisonment for Mafia, according to the financial reports, in addition to the horse when the account deposit, is responsible for implementation of the Court of first instance and the remaining southern plain of implementation by the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau, "Chen mingliang, MA when the special investigation group" solely responsible for. “Initiative to be stronger than the courts work of public security organs, which is characteristic of Chinese justice, handling cases with funding tight, troubled by difficult out of the Department of public security interests. "A judge told journalists at the weekend in the South of Chongqing. Assets assessment bodies specified directly by the public security, and because it is involved in property, little-make inquiries short for Tianjin, price has abnormal low. Madang Attorney Yang Liu told the SouthJournalists at the weekend, the special team informed of Hainan block sells for $ 350,000/acre, but according to him privately about, the actual transaction price of 450,000 yuan/MU. Although the judgment after the entry into force of two auctions ended in a stream, but sealed up to the auction, when family members knew. Life due to the horse when the confiscation of all property is hopeless Madang family had more than once to apply to the courts in Chongqing give a horse headPeople living, Madang, and split families and community property, but were rejected. Criminal Code provides that "when in sentence of confiscation of property, shall not be confiscated or property owned by the families of criminals". Jishou entrepreneur Zeng Chengjie be determined illegal fund-raising 3.45 billion, of which 830 million unable to repay. His defence lawyer Wang Shaoguang believes that before the incident, the company's assets assessmentValue of 2.38 billion, have the ability to repay the debt, but special group refused to evaluate, its full realization of good assets, for example, the Shaoyang hotel price $ 90 million of the total 250 million, as a result, the Court held that the company insolvent. Almost wiped out investors, creditors, but the sector is profiting. Wang Shaoguang says, "people Museum" now in effectHanging is the brand in Hunan Institute of three Museum is located in the core business area of "jishou trading world" first taken over by the Thai asset management company in Hunan province, and "through open auction" to finance investment in xiangxi of Hunan real estate company. According to Wang Shaoguang access to business information, "Finance" shareholders of the Hunan provincial people's Government, "man Tai" shareholders of the Hunan provincial Department of finance.For major cases of economic assets, supervision of Procuratorate often in sight. A local prosecutor explained in Zhejiang, mainly because it is "ad hoc" reasons. According to his observation diablo 3 gold, in the General case, the public security authorities if you are seizure on the property rights of the parties, public prosecutor's Office to see if the procedure is complete, whether legal, but as soon as turned into after the project, public prosecutor's Office will relax the policeWatchful. "Because in the special investigation group buy swtor, public prosecutor's Office the same research for just a participation in coordination role. "Every time xingbang lawyer Zhang Ren went to some investment in bozhou City Public Security Bureau when you understand the disposition of assets, they always reply: you went to the special investigation group. "But where to find it? Special Investigation Group is a loose organization, relevant staff are part-time, no daily institutions, "Zhang Ren withoutNaidi says, "now the disposition of assets, is leading the Government, without any legal procedure. "In January 2010, due to the prosperous company investors protest, bozhou City Public Security Bureau organized in connection with the property auction was forced to die young, at this point, a decision has not been issued. Even last the Court really to auction, some prosecutors often wink at sth bizhiyan. "Disposition of property rightsSurfaces, both organs of the Court, and executive bodies, departments are different. In many cases, prosecutors cannot say they did wrong. "The Prosecutor said. (Southern weekend) (Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

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129729391827812500_15 <a href="">diablo 3 power leveling</a>SINA sports news Beijing time on February 4, the delegation of Chinese Taipei Chess Association for promotion of education and friendly chess team in the chess hospital in Heilongjiang province, Heilongjiang province.  Competition conducted two rounds of fighting, both sides send 6 players to participate in, Heilongjiang chess team eventually won. Organised by the Chinese Taipei team practice all red in the morning, and Heilongjiang in the men's team and men's team draw, femaleGaofu. Men's team: Guo Sheng-sheng Zhang Xiaoping, You Yuanshuo Nie Tiewen, Qian Jiafeng Liu Junda, Fan Sishan Sheng Zhao Zeyu, Dai Lizhong Li Hongyao first. Girls ' negative Wang Xin Peng Rouan rain.  Taipei players are normally amateur training, Guo Sheng Zhang Xiaoping beat chess masters was not easy. Afternoon by the Heilongjiang chess team practice all red, and Black DragonJiang Nan, female teams are winning.  Men's team: Hao Jichao Sheng sheng Guo, Nie Tiewen Sheng Fan Sishan, Li Hongyao WINS You Yuanshuo, Liu Junda Sheng Dai Lizhong, Zhao Zeyu Qian Jiafeng diablo 3 gold, female Wang Xinyu WINS Peng Rouan. Taipei team, small player Peng Rouan though only 13 years old, but she had participated in large-scale events, such as the Guangzhou Asian Games, the Asian Chess Championship, although this lost twoBut she said through the game accumulated more experience, find your shortage tera power leveling, provided a very helpful for future learning. Heilongjiang in Chinese Taipei Chess Association for promotion of education access for the first time, the two sides agreed visits once a year, activities to promote the chess community of friendly contacts between the two sides, for players to raise standards across the Strait to provide a platform for the exchange of, through communication activitiesPlayers gain chess but also gain a friendship, the mission will end on 6th visit to Heilongjiang, returned to Taipei. Others:

tera gold according to the real estate market development and sales in 2012 to February data - HMI

129773184469531250_182Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog housing market rolling news real estate news real estate finance real estate reviews focus topic map published in the new travel real estate real estate real estate investment figures in real estate finance journalProduced Hall of Fame real estate fund new homes previously owned homes leasing real estate blog Forum in the industry of Tianjin new homes previously owned homes to rent [hot query]: new this month nearly new discount on hardcover March existing home small apartment [price inquiry]: 10,000 within 10000-15000More than 00-20000 [query]: Zhongguancun CBD Asian Olympic exhibition of Qing Wen Yuhe yuquan road, Guangdong and Guangxi Lufthansa Yanjiao wangjing [Metro link]: Line 4 line batong line line Line 15 Changping line yizhuang, Fangshan line property > body font size print RSS March 26, 2012 source: economic report authors: Tao Wang policy at Clifford chance, under high pressure, signs have always been strong prices downward in the luxury market. The economic information daily reporter investigationsDiscover, first-tier cities in the near future more luxury projects started to loose cut. ����People in the industry think, under selling pressure "to change" has been extended to the luxury market, highlighting the most housing and enterprise funds worsened, and reinforced in the property market will usher in a new wave of price promotions signal. Market price of many luxury projects started to loose when the housing market experienced continuing strict macro-Regulatory policies and the gradual descent, luxury property market also began to loosen. A few days ago, Aoyuan announced that the company is independent of the company and its associated persons to third parties sell Beijing Chang an, 8th interest in engagement and consultation "Chang an, 8th" is located in Beijing CBD core area, had "four easy to master", this time selling shares is not raised by the industry for itsConcerns money chain. Then, while the Olympic Park Chief Financial Officer Lin Jintang denied that the item sold is because of cash flow problems. But according to Aoyuan annual report published in March 2011, current assets of the company "bank balances and cash" section for $ 877 million, and 2010 $ 2.203 billion per cent per cent. In the company's current liabilities "short silverBorrowed "$ 2.616 billion, and 2010 rose $ 1.36 billion. ����At the same time, mobile 2010 from 2 to 1.5 per cent. It is learnt that the Chang an 8th in the first quarter of 2010, after the market, withdrawal of funds of less than $ 1 billion, also did not start the second phase of the sales so far. Which is owed, shareholder loans, bank loansRange of debts and arrears to the various suppliers, totaling about $ 3 billion. ����The famous luxury projects are now called by the media "hot potato". Aoyuan said publicly, although superior project, Chang an 8th lot, scarcity obviously. But Beijing is one obvious area affected by the regulation, in the current environment through this venture, the companyInvestment be adjusted. "Main layout in some future policy environment affecting smaller, rigid demand for larger cities. "Reporters found that cities loose frequent outgoing message of the price of luxury projects in the near future. Shanghai Lujiazui (600,663, unit) one of the top luxury Sun Hung Kai triumph March 23 price $ 160 tera gold,000/Riverside ParkSquare metres, rather than speculation in the industry before sky-high $ 300,000 below neighbors Tomson/170,000 square metres of sales prices. Sheshan villas cm long original Sheshan recently introduced 20 low special offer overlay and townhouses, 70 percent to 80 percent. ����Shanghai two luxury sector a "low-price open", a special room discount. In March, the luxury property prices in Shenzhen also downgradedPrice per unit "landing". China real estate information Corporation huangdan told reporters of the economic information daily, luxury sales pressure began to change, marketing actions frequently on the leading enterprises in luxury projects in the near future, the first half of "inventory, get cash" will become the main keynote-enterprise sales. "On the one hand to price change, win customers and cash, on the one hand for further expansion in the futureStrategy preparation. "In addition, huangdan said:" improve customer developers slowly under the promotion into the stock market in the near future. February cities improve products account for sales to top the primarily suburban economy villas project, prices are mid-range. Small high overall value compared to the city center area, the item price is moderate, relatively high cost performance, attracting improved market demand. ��Fund liabilities listed houses and enterprises rate reached 10-year highs in luxury projects behind the increase in sales price, listed enterprises more unhappy. Annual report data displays, has now disclosed 2011 performance of listed real estate companies in the debt ratio high and increasingly further tight and money chain phenomena. Industry analysts believe that the trend in the first quarter of this yearTo further strengthen. From the asset-liability ratio of view, Beijing Zhongyuan statistics data, market research showed that as of March 22, 37 listed companies and enterprises of the disclosed annual report significant debt levels, total liabilities amount to 521.6 billion yuan, up 37.8% 378.6 billion the year before. Debt ratio also rose significantly, 2011 average haveAt 72.3%, near 10-year high. Report finds that enterprises can rely on prices in previous years and alleviate the pressure of high indebtedness resulting cash flow. ����2011 regulation increasingly distressed as a result of severe operating conditions are a group of real estate companies drive out, raise the money channel which has been encountered blocking. From cash flow, WINDData show that as of March 25, according to Shen Wan level, industry classification, the two cities had a total of 48 listed real estate company has announced the 2011 annual report. At the end of 2011, the 48 listed companies-the net cash flow from operating activities of $ 12.45 billion, of which millions of shares (000616 shares), the first shares (600,376,Unit) enterprises per cent decrease of the net cash flows from operating activities. ����At the end of 2011, 48 room rate cash and cash equivalents net decrease of $ 4.26 billion, and the net increase of $ 2.06 billion in the same period last year. National real estate development enterprise's financial situation in the first quarter of this year may deteriorate further. A latest study Institute of Shanghai real estateCome to think, according to the real estate market development and sales in 2012 to February data, remove the effect of seasonal factors, sales still fell, 2012 is expected in the first quarter, financial stress will worsen the problem of real estate development enterprises, may be close to or even below the 2008 level. Due to poor sales, money tight situations, most houses and enterprisesFrequently with the slow process and financing market. According to the index of latest research report of the Research Institute of China, in the last few weeks, set off on the surveillance room and enterprise financing small orgasm, agile, sea and Sun Hung Kai Properties, wharf, bi Gui Yuan Hong Kong enterprises through equity and debt financing, while China vanke, the first a-share room prices are affected by the policy mainly through trust and loanFinancing. Beijing Zhongyuan market research director Zhang Dawei told reporters of the economic information daily, regulatory pressures, differentiation of business performance, increase in inventory, profit fell into a widespread phenomenon. Cash is King of the situation, the listed houses and enterprises need to price change. Despite the first suite of banking on house loans have lower interest rates, but the credit is still tight, companies in order to betterShow still needs to change. Study or discount price surge in the second quarter in the case of money chain tight, push the developers have increased and sales efforts. ����Data display, multiple hotspots volume has gradually callback, industry forecasts, the next quarter will usher in a new round of discount prices surge. Sales of listed enterprises, Poly, gold, In the sea and other large enterprises February sales rose significantly. Access to information displayed in February 2012, poly real estate (600,048, unit) implementation agency 377,900 square meters, an increase of 69.53%. Golden land Group (600,383, unit) area of 119,000 square in February, signing, signing amount of $ 1.23 billion,Per cent per cent and 112.2% respectively. ����China overseas estate by February in real estate sales of about $ 10.69 billion, achieved sales of 645,000 square meters per cent rose sharply and 232.7%, real estate sales in the first two months of this year the accumulated $ 13.91 billion, an increase of 42%. By the end of February 2012,Original benchmark for monitoring sales item inventory of enterprises in 47 cities around 24.66 million square meters, representing fell slightly last month to 2%. Relative to the end of June 2011, 56% increase benchmarking Enterprise inventory, inventory pressures are still large. Stocks under pressure, since the beginning of the year, Poly, merchants, constant, r, and other housing enterprises one after another started a massive price reduction promotions�� In March, some hot cities rise prices fall trend more visible. A recent research report of the Research Institute of China index, increase in property sales throughout the March, just need to gradually release, rising trend in trading volume. Last week (March 12) trading data, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, four first-tier citiesIn the major cities, with the exception of Tianjin 2011 heavyivy per cent dropped slightly, trading volume in the rest of the city is rising. Hangzhou (excluding Xiaoshan Yuhang) the most, up to 205.48%. ����Rose more than 150% in Nanjing and other cities rose 100%. In Beijing, for example, check network data showed Beijing construction Committee Web site, MarchEarly (March 1) check amount of pure commercial residential network of the city of Beijing to 4,206 units, trading volumes rose sharply compared with the February all month 41.5%, with the March trading volumes also rose in comparison with the same period last year near 17%. House prices, according to Albert, I love my home (blog, Twitter) market research data and statistics, Beijing pure commodity in early MarchAverage home sold for $ 18,800/square meter, compared with the same period last month fell 1.3%, 2.7% than House prices fell in the same period last year. Albert, I loved my analysis of Hu Jinghui, Deputy Chief Executive of the group said, current market turnover huizhang are based on prices of the callback and the first set of preferential mortgage rates on the basis of, in front of the current property inventory is still living in the highUnder references, home buyer demand stable release does not change the current "oversupply" of the market situation swtor credits, the next three months, Beijing residential turnover will still maintain a rising trend, continues to maintain a steady drop in prices trends, home crowd for the first time remains the backbone of the purchase. Shanghai e-House considered the above-mentioned report of the Research Institute of real estate, in external financing environment difficult to significantly improve the situationXia, through price promotions from circulation funds in real estate enterprises, is still the main path to ease the financial pressure. Expected a new round of discount price surges tera gold, will continue in much of the next two or three months. Dawei Zhang predicted, prices in 6-12 months you may have one to 10% down, and some have been cut in place of the project may be gradually gain market acceptance. Others:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling Vice Chairman of the NPC financial and Economic Committee Wu Xiaoling - CXS

129773438628437500_204Vice Chairman of the NPC financial and Economic Committee Wu Xiaoling, addressed the workshop in Shanghai, China Economic Forum of 50 people. Vice Chairman of the NPC financial and Economic Committee said Wu Xiaoling, diurnal fluctuation of the Yuan exchange rate against the dollar, from price fluctuations in the middle of 0.5% extended to 0.7%. Wu Xiaoling, was made in the morning Post reporter on March 24 in an exclusive interview with aboveExpression. On that day, meeting in Shanghai, Wu Xiaoling, "China Economic Forum for 50 people (Shanghai)", it accepted the morning Post reporter an exclusive interview. "Economic Forum of 50 people in China (Shanghai) Workshop" by the China Economic Forum, Shanghai Services Federation of 50 people, modern service industry in Shanghai and held equity investment management company, the Conference theme "transitionAnd modern service industry ". Wu Xiaoling, expansion of Renminbi exchange rate volatility is not surprising. Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council in this year's Government work report, "floating elastic currency is bi-directional" in column. This "very specific" market speculation, people's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank") is very likely this year on currency exchange rate fluctuationsExpanding the interval. One close to the State administration of foreign exchange (safe), yesterday told the morning news reporter, foreign exchange Bureau to confirm the daily fluctuation of the Yuan against the dollar to extend the range up and down or 0.7% is appropriate. Expansion of Renminbi exchange rate fluctuation range expansion of Renminbi exchange rate volatility, has repeated on several occasions this year is mentioned. On December 25 last year, Wu Xiaoling said the current currency fluctuation band limit of 5 per thousand a day swtor gold, not adjusted for the time being. But after all these three months, Wu Xiaoling, obvious changes in the view. Former members of the Central Bank's monetary policy Committee Mr Li said in early March this year, currency fluctuation interval may be extended to the date of the exchange rate against the dollar to 7 per thousand per cent. Change or with the Government this yearLatest report on the work related. This year's Government work report increase in the Renminbi exchange rate flexibility, and also explicitly referred to as "bi-directional floating elastic", is an important signal. Morning Post reporter found that elasticity of RMB exchange rate last appeared in the Government work report in 2008. Government report says that year "the Renminbi exchange rate regimeSystem, greater exchange rate flexibility ". But due to the financial crisis broke out, starting in October of that year, RMB exchange rate flexibility rather than enhanced, but there was a flat trend for almost two years, until June 2010 the Bank of "second currency". "The State administration of Foreign Exchange believes that swings up and down 7 per thousand per cent is appropriate. "Close to the national foreign exchangeMembers of the Council noted that, small trading range likely carry space problems and risks grow. If the trading range expanded, should be gradually through the central values of the market exchange rate. So-called parity of RMB can be simply understood as the official exchange rate of the Renminbi, the Central Bank will publish the data every morning. More currency transaction prices that reflect market demand and only allow people a dayCoin prices up and down within a certain proportion of floating in the middle. This ratio is "exchange rate volatility interval". Because the spot price is also the Central Bank set a reference signal can not be ignored in the Middle, so many people call for the expansion of exchange-rate fluctuations in the market, the Central Bank since May 2007 after current fluctuation interval is set, almost 5 years of the past have not been made to thisDynamic. Currently diurnal fluctuation of the Yuan against the dollar for the next 0.5%. Societe Generale Chief Economist looks forward to greater political Commissar of Shandong province. In his view, the interval should be extended to 1% is appropriate, "after a year, could be further expanded. "Building level lifting mechanism of capital market in" Economic Forum of 50 people in China (Shanghai) the seminar "at the meeting, former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Foreign exchange, such as Wu Xiaoling, the Secretary also suggested that currently need to speed up the construction of multi-level capital market, to better support the growth of innovative enterprises, which legally established joint-stock enterprises equity flows of a channel, was crack the financing difficulties of SMEs in innovative enterprises and the General priority. She suggested that China is to develop foreign markets, to small businessesEquity financing channels. First was the building of a market maker for the main counter market, flow of equity and equity financing opportunities for small companies. Second diablo 3 power leveling, the transformation of property rights trading markets all over, making it a over the counter. Finally to keep off the market bottom line, regulating the market order. Wu Xiaoling said upgrade downgrade to establishment of a multi-level capital market system, reducing fried new shares and the hype sT stock. To this end, are to be established according to the number of market makers, stocks transaction upgrade downgrade mechanism based on price and quantity. Second is the introduction of a market-maker can strengthen the responsibilities of brokerage stock trading enterprise, monitor its reporting truth and reasonable offer, and to develop small and medium-sized securities company. "Lift-level under the conditions of, these companies audit should focus on profitability and net assetsTurned the scale of market recognition, focused on the content and authenticity of the content of information disclosure. Experience increased degradation mechanism should be allowed when stock shares traded and listed. In addition, increasing degradation mechanisms can cancel a back-door listing system, achieved through acquisition and reorganization of listed enterprise resource optimization. "Wu Xiaoling said. Own bank Wu Xiaoling, the same day the civil capital refers to the private financial sector. "I thinkFor private capital entering into the financial sector, is the urgent need to address current problems. "Wu Xiaoling said that because the jishiwanyi deposits in China, a lot of money, and there are so many enterprises in China, industry development money could not be found. So now put aside other does not say, lies a major system bottleneck is money money and money of the rich man between the pipes to get through。 Capital of the service does not have access to basic support is not enough. How to put private capital in the financial markets, she deems necessary to ensure both: first, recognition of fund owners of property ownership. The second, at your own risk tera power leveling, the Government limited. "Private capital to enter the capital market, is a multi-level capital market, there is a credit market. First step, let them use their own money to lend,Financial company allows them to promotion to the second step, absorbing a certain limit of regular large deposits, lending the money of the rich. The third step, develops to a certain extent will allow him to do banking. "Wu Xiaoling said. But she pointed out that at present was to a certain degree by small loan company to go through village banks are not reasonable. "I think there is a big gap between them. You wanted to run a Bank,Absorption of micro-savings to handle the settlement, that is, commercial banks, have the function of money creation commercial bank, limited licensed banks must have ten years of experience, to have a certain amount of asset requirements. "(Editor: Cao Lu璠) Others:

tera gold advantage of supporting China's rapid economic development has weakened in the past - BUJ

129765921293331250_39MA: increase factors restricting China's economic development National Bureau of statistics said Secretary Ma 17th, advantage of supporting China's rapid economic development has weakened in the past, relatively rapid economic growth in China face constraints in enhanced. Ma at the "China Development Forum 2012" said at the annual meeting, weakening of labor resources in China, dividends in reduced population. In 2011 diablo 3 power leveling, the total population proportion of labour resources in China for the first timeAre falling. According to the sixth population census projections, or 100 employed persons of working age population of supporting old-age 20, and the proportion in comparison to grow fast. Ageing in China will further accelerate, "as a production factor of labour is declining, burden of the elderly population is increasing, impossible not to affect the future of our economy. "ShownHall said. Mr Ma said, urbanization tera power leveling, industrialization, marketization and internationalization are the basic factors of long-term stable and rapid development of the economy, these factors generally have not changed. At present, China is still in the process of industrialization, industrial development is still very quickly, while a large proportion of the industrial production capacity in China is at the service of the world market. Mr Ma said, town ofWill greatly change production and consumption patterns in China. If the transfer of rural residents to the County, then transferred to a county-level city, then transfer to the above cities, per capita consumption expenditure growth quickly, this will provide a strong demand. In addition tera gold, the increase rate of urbanization, accompanied by faster growth in infrastructure investment. "If there is a strong demand, the economies are not increasedLong? "Ma stressed that the resource constraints of the environment have become increasingly prominent in China, is behind the rapid economic growth on strong consumption of energy and resources. And compared to the world, China's per capita resources possession seldom, energy consumption is very large. Despite tremendous progress in pollution prevention, but emissions of pollutants is also pronounced problems facing our country, serious environmental pollution, pollution control costs is increasing very fast. ��From the perspective of resource environment, from the supply of resources and environment perspective, faced constraints in China's fast-growing enhancement. "Mr Ma said. Only further increase the intensity of transfer, transfer structure in order to promote the steady and rapid economic development in China. Others:

swtor credits admitted yesterday have heard - RLT

129773160862343750_1Janet Chow old love scene angered Timmy Hung guest wedding wedding normal Toby. Chin Kar Lok. All the biggest names in Hong Kong to celebrate wedding Timmy Hung (video) Oriental Daily News reported on March 26 to a wedding hit the field order of Timmy Hung before Janet Chow Mania explosions, one being a sister Toby (Toby) admitted yesterday have heard: "I did that night, and did not witness this thing, but after I heard someone uninvited, but actually what happenI do not know! "However, most of the other participants also seems to be unknown to the actual situation, in addition to any brother of the night's Michael Tse (click to see Michael Tse, film and television work of the seminal dance 2) unknowingly is said:" don't see the scene, everyone is so happy that night, Janet Chow of the night are so good! "To drink after Charmaine Li yesterday to hear events of the weddingTable surprise: "so exaggerated? I do not know or never heard of Ah swtor credits! "Who is a brother of one of the Chin Ka Lok (click to see Chin Ka Lok, film and television work of the night in Mong Kok, the crime and punishment) since the morning drunk no witnesses to the event, nor brought Timmy Hung, believed that is not too big. Two nights ago he asked when the video of the five sense world war on Timmy Hung on the wedding was all forcedMarriage, he said: "are people (Eric Tsang (click to see Eric Tsang, film and television work of the up men and women, of the lovers whisper), force, work out, as soon as possible, is to play, happy things. (Did the wedding in advance? ) With the original schedule it tera gold! "Excellent girlfriend Angela Tong also said:" it is not surprising, so beautiful Janet Chow, Timmy Hung happiness tera power leveling! �� Others:

diablo 3 gold prior to 1.67/2.$/07 - KIA

129773188847187500_9Skilled and magical craftsmanship which only 6 cow-share your most promising? (Three-twenty sixths) Western resources: resource expansion West of comment on the performance of both quantity and quality of resources achieving revenues of $ 312 million for the year 2011, an increase of 47.45%, vested in the shareholders of listed companies achieve net profits of $ 247 million, an increase of 82.85%. Realization of basic earnings $ 0.67 per share diluted, rose 78.05%, in line with ourExpected. Company plans are: not for profit distribution, capital reserve per 10 go to all shareholders increased 8. Operation analysis of dam-Yang copper sales were substantially reduced: in 2011, Yang dam copper copper powder sold for 15,500 tons, to 20,200 tons in the same period last year swtor credits, up by 23.27%; iron powder sales 12,800 tons, up by 8.6%. At the same time, Yang dam copper concentrate the decline in gross profit margin per cent in 2010 to per cent in 2011. We are displayed according to the report, calculation of costs, in the case of the assumed rate of production and sales of the company 100%, in 2011 the company tons of copper concentrates in a 14.65% per cent rise in the cost of production. But we think Sun dam of falling sales in part isInfluence of weather factors caused due to poor transportation. Nanjing silver Mau performance exceeded: 2011 silver Mau Mining Corporation Nanjing bought new year vest in the owner of the parent company net profit of 232 million dollars, for contributions of $ 39.086 million in net profit for the year, well above the company acquired commitments made by no less than $ 133 million for the year. Largely due to Nanjing silver MauLead and zinc ores rich in gold and silver, silver associated grade reach 77.67 g/t. Silver price $ 7,622/kg for the year 2011, rose 64.69%, company so lucrative. Continue on the improvement of mining rights, external continue to seek expansion: during the reporting period the company submitted two new applications for mining rights, one arm of copper industry in Gansu province is Yang dam Kang XianFurnace iron oil House Groove-Groove copper mining rights, its reserves of about 30,000 metric tons of copper metal second spodumene in guangchang County Pei pit mining rights, nearly 60,000 tons of LiO2 content, and accompanied by a certain amount of niobium and tantalum. Company has been formed "by means of acquisitions, mergers and cooperative development, and constantly improve the quantity and quality of resources, optimize the allocation of resources" development strategy. Adjustment of profits and investment adviceWe expect 2012-2014 net profit forecast to $ 280 million, $ 327 million, $ 368 million, basic maintenance forecast unchanged, to 367.72 million after the issuance of equity calculations, equivalent to EPS0.763 dollars, $ 0.89 and $ 1. 12-13 year PE 25.62 times times, three times. IOf the company's strategic sustainability, in line with China's national conditions, the company continued through the acquisition of profit increase chances, we maintain the company a "buy" rating, price target $ 25 unchanged. Risk management abilities prompted the company's development strategy, professional ability are higher requirements for exploration, metal prices fell sharply. Wangfujing: performance in line with the expected skill improvementRecord high growth performance in line with expectations, 2011 net profit increased 54.94%: 2011 company achieved operating income of 16.761 billion yuan, an increase of 20.18%; vested in the parent company's net income of $ 621 million, an increase of 54.94%. According to the latest equity diluted full year EPS at $ 1.26, before you meet our $ 1.25Forecast. Company a higher net profit growth thanks to: 1) gross margins steady improvement and cost controls; 2) 4Q2011 company acquire Chengdu Wangfujing 13.51% minority interests, and form factor increased net profits by about 11,650,001; 3) property holding company Chengdu Wangfujing shopping center lease compensation of 5,000Million caused net income of a low base last year, after the arrest of non-vested in the parent company's net profit growth for the year is 40.69%. 4Q 13.96% one-quarter revenue growth of the company, growth in net profit amounted to 147.85%, if all of the above factors 2, 3, we estimate 4Q net profit growth of about 31.4%. Steadily increasing interest rates, good cost control: reportDuring the consolidated gross margin rose 0.46% per cent of the company, Department store business gross margin rose 0.35% per cent, mainly due to pay close attention to margin management, through the control of marketing activities, enhanced business process management, enhance brand offers measures such as arrest rate, more than 70% store gross profit compared with a year earlierBoost. At the same time cost effective control during the company, slightly increase 0.03% per cent per cent compared with last year, sales/management/finance charges percentage points respectively compared 0.33/-0.06/-0.24 to 9.01%/3.08%/0.44%. Company sales cost rate increase is mainly newly opened shops and rentalsDue to the rising, and financial expenses decline was attributable to convertible bonds redeemed in advance since October 10 companies, financing costs fell by about $ 20 million during the reporting period. Midwest stores performance of high growth, double-shop reloading debut performance power for 12 years: during the reporting period, high growth company stores in Central and Western performance. Chengdu subsidiary, net profit amounted to 327 million, Rose 62.5%, Changsha and Xining branch net income amounted to $ 67.8 million and $, rose and 47.4%, respectively. At present, Kunming and Tai Hing restaurant has-store quick through the cultivation period, will provide new impetus for the company's future development. Company Shuang due March 10 decoration transformation, affecting the normal operation of the Mall tera power leveling,Only $ 20.08 million in annual net profit, fell to 73%. The shop has been to reinstall the debut on October 11, 12 profitability increase for the company are expected to have a positive impact. Investment recommendations and rating the company a total of 25 stores, is expected in 2012 will be newly opened stores 3-5 (Fuzhou, Xining 2 shops, 1 branch Zhengzhou, Fushun stores will open now at the planning stage), At the same time the company main store modification of chunxi road store decoration and Xining Wangfujing, pressures on the performance. Chengdu, but bi-reload debut of ' shop and subsidiaries and minority interests table performance in 2012 will be providing some support. We adjusted EPS $ 1.68/2.08/2.56 respectively 2012-2014 years (prior to 1.67/2.$/07), the strategic development of the company's future direction is clear, the national expansion of devoting major efforts to developing shopping center business, we are optimistic about the company Midwest chain layout strategy of maintaining buy ratings, medium-and long-term strategic interest to investors and the allocation of the company. New store training period is too long for risk analysis diablo 3 gold, talent management risk scale expansion. Others:

tera power leveling towing and Shanghai - UGS

129773214334375000_40On August 5, 2011 Du Xiaoming Dongfeng EQ4163W tractor, driving ' PJ8055, and ' P8G83 of registered yukang of towing YKH9380 container transport semi-trailer, to lateral belt Expressway in Shanghai Pudong new area G1501 44 km, 300 meters tera power leveling, parked in the emergency lane due to failed, and then get offWalked to the front of Zhao Jiayuan Park driving, towing and Shanghai, Shanghai B55776 D7558 tail of the registered vehicles. August 5, Zhou Chongliang due to excessive fatigue, driving, towing and Shanghai, Shanghai B34087 B6477 registered vehicles, first hitting Du Xiaoming parked cars of tail, Du Xiaoming's car also hit the Zhao long cars of tail, was caused by Du Xiaoming was killed, Police found Zhou Chongliang bear full responsibility for this incident, Du Xiaoming, Zhao Jiayuan without responsibility. It is understood that on April 28, 2011, Du Xiaoming and branch of China life insurance company limited in zhoukou City Center (hereinafter referred to as "zhoukou wealth") signed a contract of compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles. Insurance policy specified subject matter insured as Yu PJ805Dongfeng EQ4163W tractor and ' P8G83 of registered yukang swtor gold, 5th YKH9380 container transport semi-trailer, insurance period starting from April 29 tera gold, 2011, to April 28, 2012. After the accident, Du Xiaoming families of Shanghai Pudong new area people's court proceedings require zhoukou finance top compensation insurance not the responsibilityDeath and disability compensation limit of $ 11,000.����Case analysis of the traffic accident, zhoukou fiscal deficit on the adopting of the evidence and facts found no objection, but Du Xiaoming is not part of the traffic accident victims of compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles, strong insurance should not pay death benefits. III of the regulations on compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehiclesArticle: "compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles referred to in this Ordinance refers to by insurance companies on the insured vehicle caused by road traffic accidents the car people, other than the insured victims of personal injury, death, damage to property, within the limits of liability for compensation for compulsory liability insurance"; article 21st: "insured vehicle caused by road traffic accidentsOfficers, other than the insured victims of personal injury, death, property damage, according to law by the insurance company in the context of compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles liability compensation ".����The 42nd article (b) stipulates that "the insured person, refers to the insured and permitted lawful driver". The provisions of the compulsory traffic accident liability insurance for motor vehicles provided for in the fifth of:"Victims of the strong insurance contract refers to the insured motor vehicle who suffered personal injuries or property damage in traffic accidents, but not including personnel, on the insured motor vehicle insured." Zhoukou wealth view Du Xiaoming while under the car when the accident occurred, according to the mandatory insurance regulations and under the terms of the, Du Xiaoming belonging to a strong risk of the insured, and the frame is not strongVictims of dangerous and therefore should not be paying high risk insurance. Shanghai Pudong new area people's Court has adopted the zhoukou finance defence rejected the duxiaomingfang requirements in zhoukou finance top compensation insurance without liability claims for death and disability compensation limit of $ 11,000. Others:

star wars credits railway security issues worry - KCP

129773214427187500_213Recent mainland media reports, infrastructure collapse accidents Han-yi Gao Tieqian the Yangtze River in Hubei Province, railway security issues worry; however, the expected recovery this year will be more work items diablo 3 gold, as well as funding is expected to be an effective solution, railway performance is affected by news of a share lead. Earlier this year has been full of the joy of the CSR (1766), recently announced have already signed3.48 billion yuan (RMB, same below) contract, 2010 annual revenues of about 5.4%, business prospects are still worth the wait; including Suzhou signed a $ 710 million vehicle sales contract for line Subway Line 2, and $ 680 million worth of Qingdao Metro Line 3 line vehicle sales contract for phase I. In addition, the Group also announced last week, high bid Guangzhou-Shenzhen-HongIron Duan Gaotie train project in Hong Kong. Group continues to achieve growth in overseas business, including $ 310 million worth of locomotive and railcar assembly plant phase I contracts in Ethiopia, and Malaysia signed a $ 270 million of the EMU, traffic, maintenance contracts, PN and Australia signed a $ 130 million worth of goods sales contracts diablo 3 power leveling, that overseas businessTotal revenue share will gradually increase. Benefit from a greater increase in order to complete delivery, the Group expected net profit in 2011 according to annual growth of more than 50% star wars credits, to 3.797 billion yuan. Others:

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling Upson attended at its shiniest Cup - EOS

129732242244846250_130Evening news reporter Chen Haixiang, if not surprisingly, former England international and West Ham Captain Matthew · Upson joined Shanghai Shenhua in the near future (micro-blog), contribute to the rear lines for the team to solve problems. Yesterday, Shenhua Club has confirmed to reporters, will be introduced by leasing the defender in the Premier League, "We are actively introducing Upson, had almost finalized, including rental fee and the annual salary, CSL will pay the cost of 4 million euros in total. "Play ultra Upson (micro-blogging) more than enough capacity on Upson has been controversial. In England, he has always been a John Terry and Rio Ferdinand (micro-blogging) alternate, as in 2010 South Africa Ferdinand suddenly injured before the World Cup, so he has the opportunity to join the main force for the race, but after many United Kingdom media also said, is lack of ability in the team in the rear diablo 3 power leveling, to lead England in that competition did not get good enough grades. After the end of the World Cup, Upson under performance in the English Premier League is also aSlide, after the West Ham demoted last season, he came to stoke, but so far only 7 appearances, 5 of them as first showed up, so his chance to represent England at the 2012 European Championship is very slim indeed. But in any case, these are the issues discussed at the League level, if you are playing in the Super diablo 3 power leveling, Upson only thing you need to do is to keepHealth, because his abilities far beyond the Super level. "For Upson, we understand, because of age, Stoke Manager select a tall Centre-the first of two young, quite normal. However due to their two-line battle, Upson attended at its shiniest Cup, his status remains still can be. "CSL one senior acceptedReporters said Upson now in Stoke's annual salary of 2 million euros, but let him to play super, certainly more salary, a conservative estimate, Upson came and played a year of schooling diablo 3 power leveling, will reach 4 million euros. Zhu Jun (micro-blogging) Chinese football will soon lead the Shenhua International Asia associated with a series of major moves in the transfer market, clubs and oldCEO Zhu Jun became the object of many European media have scrambled to interview.  Recently, France CSL famous TV station Canal played in Valencia (micro-blogging) training videos and interviews with CEO Zhu Jun and Anelka. In this interview, out CEO Zhu Jun-HO: "introducing Jean Tigana and Anelka is just a start, China becomes a leader in Asia is a fastThings, not 10 to 20 years, quickly surpassing, the Oriental miracle will happen soon. "CSL when asked exactly how to impress when Anelka, CEO Zhu Jun and the other as the" Tai Chi "," selecting him, invite him, pursuing his club so much, of course, I can not tell you what methods and tell you that you have learned. ”Play Canal about 5 minutes of this film, the main content is Anelka in the Shenhua team training images, but at the end of the feature film, the TV station also exposes a message, that is, in the summer of this year, Drogba to 400,000 euro weekly, � 20 million annual salary to join Shenhua. Canal television, Warcraft CSL in treatment is betterYu Russia An Zhi Regal Club for its commitment to treatment, that is a world record salary contracts. Others:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling only three years of 1825 - TTY

129756711718281250_1140Xinhuanet, Beijing diablo 3 power leveling, March 6 (reporters Zhao Ying and and Liu Zheng)-"7.5% is the minimum objective of economic growth in recent years, but I think it is very appropriate. "Mao linkun, Director of the National Committee of the CPPCC members, 6th session of the National Committee said five meetings, panel discussions," impossible always to grow so fast, not at the cost of resources。 "Pauses for a moment, he went on to say:" we are developing too fast, will overwhelm the resources environment. You are now serious pollution of water resources, water quality even worrying! "Voice, and to participate in the discussion of the members nodded," water resources "into the whole discussion of key words. "The trend of deterioration of the ecological environment of Dongting Lake. "Members of the National Committee of the CPPCCWorried, Hunan provincial political Consultative Conference Chairman Hu Biao. Dongting Lake regulation of Yangtze River is the most important and largest freshwater lakes of base, however due to the economic development needs of the excessive demand, currently 2,625 square kilometers of its natural lakes, only three years of 1825, reduces storage capacity from 40 billion cubic meters to 16.7 billion cubic meters. "But in the Dongting LakeAs a land of plenty! "A word that solemn atmosphere of the meeting place. "I'm basic when the survey, see the local groundwater intake to more than 100 meters, or even two hundred or three hundred meters, just dozens of meters. "Mao linkun Members raise the tone said. "Water is the source of life, but in some places, a river side actually appears to many cancer patients. "The original Hubei provincialAssociation Chairman Wang Shengtie member is a bit excited. Zhang Jiyao members have served as Director of the South-North water transfer project construction Committee Office of the State Council, when it comes to water resources diablo 3 power leveling, he will have many more things to say, "water resource distribution is regular, blind water can cause environmental degradation; network of flood irrigation of agricultural and industrial waste are serious; governance lack protection has been heavy. "He was focused on theThe three points. "Not only has to leave to future generations a prosperous country, Jinshan yinshan also mountains. "The phrase Mao linkun members. "In dealing with water resource issues, you want to save, in addition to water transfer projects in connection with nature, agricultural water saving are bright prospects, with short filling and low irrigation. "When Zhang Jiyao member solutions, venueQuiet. "To put protection on a prominent position, only protect existing water sources, to further develop, not putting the cart before. "" Official achievements view also needs to change. "Wang Shengtie from another Member put forward his own proposal:" protection of water resources as one of the performance metrics. "The full use of the water, seawater desalination technology in improving sth AEach proposal was made at the meeting, discussions. "Not exhausted all the resources diablo 3 gold, human society is not going to end our generation, so why go in a hurry. "Members of the Mao linkun last spoke in earnest. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

diablo 3 gold this will be the last time Spanish stations get - BMX

129765943254893750_223F1 Australia Barton season first crowns Vetr small Chinese and two or three Raikkonen 7th NetEase sports on March 18: the 2012 opening of the F1 season, McLaren driver Patton Rob won the season's first division champions, Red Bull Vetr in second, pole position, Hamilton in third place. Wangshumahe due to car failure withdrawal, back Raikkonen grab seventh. "Drivers points standings" "team points standings" F1 Australia win PattonVetr runner-up xiaohan 3rd Raikkonen Alonso rushed to the seventh 7th Barton starts to seize a leading position after the warm up ring, 22 cars racing back to the start area, as the two drivers of HRT in qualifying performance does not meet the leader of the 107%, Karthikeyan and Delarossa cannot therefore participate in the Australia match. Red light is off, 22 car at the same time, and started the game, Hamilton started was not satisfactory, looking back at team-mate button quite eye-catching diablo 3 gold, entering before bending, 1th, Patton seized the inner position, Hamilton stranded. When entering the bend, 1th, Barton is a leading, Hamilton in second place. Third in the ranking of gross departure is not ideal, he soon was Scott thummaHelms, N. Rosberg and Vetr beyond, he dropped to sixth place. In the back, Ferrari's Fernando Alonso is great, his breath rushed to the eighth. Outside Vetr wonderful beyond luosibogegeluosi let fall hit racing game in 2nd round, Red Bull Vetr beyond N. Rosberg directly from the outside, he rose to fourth place, behind MaldonadoIn trying to surpass Lu Tesi Grosjean, Sebastien, two racing a little touch, gross was badly damaged by E20 cars right front wheel, car sliding off the track at the same time, the French can only choose to exit the game, seen from the slow motion playback, Maldonado is beyond gross did not leave each other when a sufficient number of curved space, resulted in a car crash, but alsoThe French withdrawal. After 5 laps, the top ten riders are: Barton, and Hamilton, and Michael Schumacher, and Vetr, and N. Rosberg, and Fernando Alonso, Weber, and Massa, and Maldonado, and Peres. Vetr problem withdrawal beyond the third car of Schumacher to seize the King Road racing competitions continued, the two McLaren drivers in front leading to more, Patton's leading team-mate 3.8 sec, Hamilton and Schumacher is third 7 sec. In the Middle, between several driver competition is quite fierce. Vetr and Schumacher both old and new champions meeting, Schumacher in front of Vetr DRS system can be used, but it is clear that W03 until speed is quite fast, has left opponents chance. Vetr actually had sliding off the track�� After a few fights, Vetr challenge to Schumacher again, while in Bend, 1th, Schumacher's car failed to correctly on line line, he rushed out of the circuit, Vetr took advantage of ultra in the past, he seized the third position. After Schumacher was beyond the car slows down, he drive the car back to the maintenance area, due to the racing failed, King of cars drop out of the competition.Riders complete first pulled in Barton, Hamilton and Vetr top three 12th round, ranked 12th Massa pulled in, he again used the soft tires. After 1 ring, N. Rosberg, Alonso, who also get, then, Lu Tesi fleet Raikkonen rose to sixth place. 17th round, leading Barton station, Red Bull of Vetr is also in the same circle drawingAnd Patton put on the hard tyres, and Vetr are the soft tires. After 1 ring, Hamilton station, he also used on hard tyres, after the station, he was still ranked behind Barton, but he was also robbed in front of Alonso and Vetr. Barton remained in first place, lutesidelaikening in second place, followed by BMW Sauber Perez, but they are not yet completeGet in at a time. 20th round, Hamilton met Thorpe Peres, who did not get changed tires, so slow, but Hamilton seems unable to approach behind Vetr, Hamilton ran into trouble. 21st round, Hamilton, 1th bent has finally surpassed Perez, his return to second place, behind Peres and VetrChallenges, Germans also were blocked by Perez is not a short time, but he can be completed directly from the outer beyond the back into third place. Competition enter the 25th round, the top ten riders are: Barton, and Hamilton, and Vetr, and Fernando Alonso, and N. Rosberg, Weber, and Maldonado, Massa, Raikkonen, small forest dream victory. Massa has been surpassing Raikkonen climbed to eighth place27th round, Raikkonen took advantage of DRS to easily exceed the Massa rose to eight, followed by Sauber Kobayashi dream victory in the second range of DRS also overtook Massa, Brazil who suddenly slipped a tenth. First, competing N. Rosberg and Webber was raging, racing Weber for arena combat had been clenched W03. 30th round diablo 3 power leveling, WebbN. Rosberg gap of only 0.3 seconds, Weber's ever-changing effect line to N. Rosberg, but the Germans defense was tight, he did not stay there, looking back at Maldonado later had the opportunity to go beyond Max Weber. 32nd round, Webb and strengthen offensive diablo 3 power leveling, he forced the buffer on N. Rosberg, the Germans might try and get in on hard tyres, to Weber's position for the time being. PetelaudRace safety car back out Vetr preempted the second 35th round, Alonso-bound, he used the hard tyres, this will be the last time Spanish stations get, after the station, he came in eighth place. 37th round, leading Barton station, he used the hard tyres, the same circle, Hamilton is also bound. After the two McLaren drivers get in, peiteluofuCar stopped on the track, he withdrew from the race, race sent out the safety car, leading Vetr inbound change tires at once, after the station, Vetr is robbed in a second location, in the middle of the two McLaren drivers. Game recovery Raikkonen fastest refresh by beyond the McLaren pair of male lap 42nd round, withdrawal of safety car, race recovery, Barton, and Victor, Hamilton, Weber's first four bits. Competition resumes, Barton was holding its first, Vetr pressure by Hamilton. Game two DRS cannot be used after the recovery, so there is no overtaking is the case. After 1 ring, Barton opened the gap and Vetr, two of them differ by more than 2 seconds. In the back, small forest dream victory with late braking points over the BarclaysCorning rose to Nineth place. 45th round, DRS open, drivers can make use of it to overtake. Barton continue opened the gap to 3.7 seconds in front, he ran in the 45th round out fastest lap of 1 minute 30 seconds, Hamilton continues to accelerate, he hopes to catch up with Vetr, 46th round Hamilton ran out fastest lap of 1 min 29 sec 8. Along with theHou, Barton and refresh the fastest lap. Behind Massa small collisions and small Seine Williams, two cars with varying degrees of damage, they are back to the repair replacement parts, Massa has quit the game, small Seine is also supported. Currently ranked among the top ten drivers: Barton, and Vetr, and Hamilton, Weber, and Fernando Alonso, and Maldonado, and PerezWei, N. Rosberg, small forest dream, and Raikkonen. Barton leads the way the final lock disaggregated champion weiteerxiaohan er��sanwei the game entered its final stage, small forest dream well, competition N. Rosberg and Raikkonen was raging, small forest dream victory over N. Rosberg, but missed the braking point, he fanchao back by Germans. In the front, Barton continues to leadAnd Vetr are still behind 3 seconds, in Hamilton, later also failed to gain on the second Red Bull Riders. Eventually, after 58 laps of the fierce contention, Barton first across the finish, defending world champion driver Vetr was runner-up, pole position, Hamilton eventually harvested only a third place, arena fighting Webber in fourth. In the last round, is ranked sixthMaldonado errors, he crashed, Williams drivers have lost their chance to be integral. Top ten: Barton, and Vetr, Hamilton, Webber, Alonso, and small forest available dream well, Perez, and Raikkonen, weiergeni, and Ricardo. Fastest lap: Barton (McLaren) 1 minute 29 seconds please vote yourHow do F1 opening 2012 season? Excited, finally opened new season will continue to concern very pleased with Red Bull "Rover" is no longer cover the sky with one hand unfortunately, Schumacher return sailaikening only the seventh down, Ferrari continued to slump to go see the results start and end times: between 2012-03-18-04-17 Others: