Thursday, March 29, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling Vice Chairman of the NPC financial and Economic Committee Wu Xiaoling - CXS

129773438628437500_204Vice Chairman of the NPC financial and Economic Committee Wu Xiaoling, addressed the workshop in Shanghai, China Economic Forum of 50 people. Vice Chairman of the NPC financial and Economic Committee said Wu Xiaoling, diurnal fluctuation of the Yuan exchange rate against the dollar, from price fluctuations in the middle of 0.5% extended to 0.7%. Wu Xiaoling, was made in the morning Post reporter on March 24 in an exclusive interview with aboveExpression. On that day, meeting in Shanghai, Wu Xiaoling, "China Economic Forum for 50 people (Shanghai)", it accepted the morning Post reporter an exclusive interview. "Economic Forum of 50 people in China (Shanghai) Workshop" by the China Economic Forum, Shanghai Services Federation of 50 people, modern service industry in Shanghai and held equity investment management company, the Conference theme "transitionAnd modern service industry ". Wu Xiaoling, expansion of Renminbi exchange rate volatility is not surprising. Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council in this year's Government work report, "floating elastic currency is bi-directional" in column. This "very specific" market speculation, people's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Bank") is very likely this year on currency exchange rate fluctuationsExpanding the interval. One close to the State administration of foreign exchange (safe), yesterday told the morning news reporter, foreign exchange Bureau to confirm the daily fluctuation of the Yuan against the dollar to extend the range up and down or 0.7% is appropriate. Expansion of Renminbi exchange rate fluctuation range expansion of Renminbi exchange rate volatility, has repeated on several occasions this year is mentioned. On December 25 last year, Wu Xiaoling said the current currency fluctuation band limit of 5 per thousand a day swtor gold, not adjusted for the time being. But after all these three months, Wu Xiaoling, obvious changes in the view. Former members of the Central Bank's monetary policy Committee Mr Li said in early March this year, currency fluctuation interval may be extended to the date of the exchange rate against the dollar to 7 per thousand per cent. Change or with the Government this yearLatest report on the work related. This year's Government work report increase in the Renminbi exchange rate flexibility, and also explicitly referred to as "bi-directional floating elastic", is an important signal. Morning Post reporter found that elasticity of RMB exchange rate last appeared in the Government work report in 2008. Government report says that year "the Renminbi exchange rate regimeSystem, greater exchange rate flexibility ". But due to the financial crisis broke out, starting in October of that year, RMB exchange rate flexibility rather than enhanced, but there was a flat trend for almost two years, until June 2010 the Bank of "second currency". "The State administration of Foreign Exchange believes that swings up and down 7 per thousand per cent is appropriate. "Close to the national foreign exchangeMembers of the Council noted that, small trading range likely carry space problems and risks grow. If the trading range expanded, should be gradually through the central values of the market exchange rate. So-called parity of RMB can be simply understood as the official exchange rate of the Renminbi, the Central Bank will publish the data every morning. More currency transaction prices that reflect market demand and only allow people a dayCoin prices up and down within a certain proportion of floating in the middle. This ratio is "exchange rate volatility interval". Because the spot price is also the Central Bank set a reference signal can not be ignored in the Middle, so many people call for the expansion of exchange-rate fluctuations in the market, the Central Bank since May 2007 after current fluctuation interval is set, almost 5 years of the past have not been made to thisDynamic. Currently diurnal fluctuation of the Yuan against the dollar for the next 0.5%. Societe Generale Chief Economist looks forward to greater political Commissar of Shandong province. In his view, the interval should be extended to 1% is appropriate, "after a year, could be further expanded. "Building level lifting mechanism of capital market in" Economic Forum of 50 people in China (Shanghai) the seminar "at the meeting, former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Foreign exchange, such as Wu Xiaoling, the Secretary also suggested that currently need to speed up the construction of multi-level capital market, to better support the growth of innovative enterprises, which legally established joint-stock enterprises equity flows of a channel, was crack the financing difficulties of SMEs in innovative enterprises and the General priority. She suggested that China is to develop foreign markets, to small businessesEquity financing channels. First was the building of a market maker for the main counter market, flow of equity and equity financing opportunities for small companies. Second diablo 3 power leveling, the transformation of property rights trading markets all over, making it a over the counter. Finally to keep off the market bottom line, regulating the market order. Wu Xiaoling said upgrade downgrade to establishment of a multi-level capital market system, reducing fried new shares and the hype sT stock. To this end, are to be established according to the number of market makers, stocks transaction upgrade downgrade mechanism based on price and quantity. Second is the introduction of a market-maker can strengthen the responsibilities of brokerage stock trading enterprise, monitor its reporting truth and reasonable offer, and to develop small and medium-sized securities company. "Lift-level under the conditions of, these companies audit should focus on profitability and net assetsTurned the scale of market recognition, focused on the content and authenticity of the content of information disclosure. Experience increased degradation mechanism should be allowed when stock shares traded and listed. In addition, increasing degradation mechanisms can cancel a back-door listing system, achieved through acquisition and reorganization of listed enterprise resource optimization. "Wu Xiaoling said. Own bank Wu Xiaoling, the same day the civil capital refers to the private financial sector. "I thinkFor private capital entering into the financial sector, is the urgent need to address current problems. "Wu Xiaoling said that because the jishiwanyi deposits in China, a lot of money, and there are so many enterprises in China, industry development money could not be found. So now put aside other does not say, lies a major system bottleneck is money money and money of the rich man between the pipes to get through。 Capital of the service does not have access to basic support is not enough. How to put private capital in the financial markets, she deems necessary to ensure both: first, recognition of fund owners of property ownership. The second, at your own risk tera power leveling, the Government limited. "Private capital to enter the capital market, is a multi-level capital market, there is a credit market. First step, let them use their own money to lend,Financial company allows them to promotion to the second step, absorbing a certain limit of regular large deposits, lending the money of the rich. The third step, develops to a certain extent will allow him to do banking. "Wu Xiaoling said. But she pointed out that at present was to a certain degree by small loan company to go through village banks are not reasonable. "I think there is a big gap between them. You wanted to run a Bank,Absorption of micro-savings to handle the settlement, that is, commercial banks, have the function of money creation commercial bank, limited licensed banks must have ten years of experience, to have a certain amount of asset requirements. "(Editor: Cao Lu璠) Others:

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