Saturday, March 31, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling empowerment of local government at the provincial level appropriate debt -

129773184405625000_26Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll daily observation of gold community write rapidly economic observation on unit thermal financial political comments on the quality of literature and history on the finance peopleColumn of interview and observation weekly comments you say global financial issue 2012 > body font size print RSS source March 26, 2012: the financial year of the national "SEF"Fiscal budget vote, abstain and not vote total of 581 votes, its vote in favour does not 20.2% a record high. This indicates that the delegates would gradually decrease in interest in budget review, discontent is on the rise in the fiscal budget.  To a large extent, the budget review process resembles the motions of the national people's Congress. This status exposed, is the current budget reviewMany problems in the supervision. Including the procedures of examination and supervision of more substantive examination and supervision of small budget examination and supervision of the quality and effectiveness of less-than-ideal, needs to be improved and increased budget examination and supervision track not found problems in the implementation, and not in time, due to administrative and management structures and other reasons, many poorly handled the problem, often to nothingDue to current budget limitations and defects of the relevant provisions of the Act, supervision over the budget adjustment, budget surplus from a mere formality, results not yet due; lack of regular budget implementation, continuous track inspection and ongoing monitoring, discovery fails to correct the problem to solve. Improve the quality of budget examination and supervision, various work needs to be done. A isDeepen the understanding of the main characteristics of the national budget, raising awareness of budget examination and supervision, and this is the important foundation for improving budget examination and supervision; the second is the science budget, prepare the budget, provides scientific, reasonable and refining the draft budget of the people's Congress, which is a primary prerequisite of strengthen budget examination and supervision; three is the clear direction of the NPC's review of the oversight budget and urged relevant DepartmentEarly series fine budget, clear highlights of the preliminary budget of the NPC, strengthen supervision over the budget adjustments and used surplus, improving the quality and effectiveness of budget examination and supervision; four is to speed up the pace of fiscal and tax legislation, in particular, to amendments to improve the budget act in a timely manner, in order to strengthen budget examination and supervision of the NPC, provided the legal basis and system protection. The current national people's Congress is the currentThe budget Act amendment, is at the end of last year on the amendments to the budget law (draft). Amendments to improve the budget involves many aspects of the law, but not by a modified to solve all of these problems. Its amendment should follow the statutory, scientific nature, openness, integrity diablo 3 power leveling, key principles, mainly address the following six issues should be studied.First, refinement and the science budget, enhanced the scientific budget and integrity. Financial Department of traditional budgeting cycle is 3-4 months, preparation time was late and short, are too simple and rough, affect the scientific nature of budgeting. To overcome the problem of budgeting too late too rough, early series fine budget, improving the quality of budgeting, key to increase the budget forIntegrity and scientific. Budget law must be clear in the following four points: one is the budget from the budget a year before the beginning of the year to the end of the end, preparing for a period of 12 months, in the draft budget before the beginning of each budget year must all be prepared; second, the Central Government budget and local budgets at all levels in accordance with double budgeting, dual budget including public budgets, the Government fundsBudget, budget of State-owned assets management, the social security budget; three is to prepare the budget, government public budgets at this level by level of income and expenditure budget preparation, budget of State-owned assets management and major construction projects prepared by categories, by type of social security and the benefits of social security budget preparation, transfer payments payments by transfer, transfer of special categories in General compiled fourBudgeting method should be phased in, in accordance with the State budget requirements of the principles of integrity, scientific establishment the dual budget system, the dual budget system should include the general public budget, State-owned assets operating budgets, Social Security Fund budget, the Government budget. Second, the standard use of the budget surplus, strengthening the monitoring of the budget surplus. To strengthen the budgetSurplus use oversight, must be clear in the budget Act requires the Government financial sector continue to improve budget predictability, and science, while clearly states: If the budget surplus, surplus revenue be used to cover budget deficits and other major expenditures, too late to arrange expenditures can be carried forward to the next year's budget spending. The budget implementation process, if needed the surplusTotal supplementary expenditure exceeded the original budget spending of income 1%, financial departments of the Government budget adjustment programmes should be sent after the first instance of the Working Committee of the NPC financial and Economic Committee and the budget and report it at the NPC Standing Committee for examination and approval if needed the surplus when supplementary expenses total less than the original budget bill 1%, by the financial Department of the Government of the NPC financial and Economic Committee and the Budget Committee informed in a timely manner, and to the same-Level people's Congress Standing Committee report is expected surplus from use. Thirdly, clear budgetary adjustment, strengthen budget examination and supervision of the adjustment. Regulating the behavior of government budget adjustment, strengthening the examination and supervision of the Government of the people's Congress Standing Committee on budget adjustment, the budget law must be more clearly defines the concept of budgetary adjustment, boundaries, scope, procedures and requirements, the SpecialIs to rigorously scientific definition of the concept of budgetary adjustment. Concept of budgetary adjustment should be amended to read: "the budget adjustment refers to the central budget approved by the national people's Congress and local-level budgets approved by the local people's congresses at all levels, due to special circumstances in the Executive need to increase spending or reduced income, the total revenue and total expenditure of the originally approved budget change more than 1% Or the originally approved budget total expenditure exceeds income, or to pass the imperial exams at the provincial Level by the originally approved budget increase in the amount of the debt part of change. "On budget adjustments should be provided for:" in the budget implementation star wars credits, in the event of one of the following changes in budget revenue and expenditure of the Government level should be brought to the attention of the NPC Standing Committee for examination and approval: one is the originally approved level of total budget expenditure exceeds the total collectionInto of; II is this level budget income changes over 1% of, or this level budget total expenditures changes over 1% of; three is this level Congresses approved budget resolution in the stressed ensure of budget focus expenditures project and statutory will insurance of expenditures project needs adjustable reduced index of; four is than original approved of budget pass the imperial exams at the provincial Level take debt of amounts increased of; five is other may caused budget revenues and expenditures unevenScale of budgetary adjustment programme. "On budget adjustment procedure should be provided for:" budgets must be adjusted due to special circumstances, should the Government make budgetary adjustment programme and submitted for examination and approval by the Standing Committee at the same level in the third quarter of the year. One month before the meeting of the Standing Committee for approval, adjusting the budget plan submitted to the Finance Committee and the Budget Committee for preliminary review. "IV, Standardized budget examination and supervision, strengthen budget examination and supervision. A major flaw in the budget law was in force, lack of people's congresses and their standing committees on budget examination and supervision of the substantive content, directly affect the people's Congress on budget examination and supervision of quality and effectiveness. Revised budget should be to introduce a chapter specific content of people's Congress and its Standing Committee to strengthen budget examination and supervision,Specific proposals are as follows: first, it is clear the NPC financial and Economic Committee held a forum on the draft initial budget, and lunzhenghui, Treasury door to trial to feedback in a timely manner; second, can instruct the auditing Department of the Standing Committee on key sectors and key projects conducted a special audit of the use of funds, and to report the results of audits; three representative or a member of the Standing Committee of the NPC can, in accordance with the statutory procedure, budget summaryBe asked a question about, and the Standing Committee on the budget and final accounts of any major issues or specific issues in special surveys; five is the NPC Standing Committee to hold hearings on major issues in the budget examination and supervision, to review the budget, making resolutions; six are NPC emphasised the items of expenditure in the budget resolution and statutory compulsory insurance forIndex of projects need to be reduced, shall be reported to the NPC Standing Committee approved implementation; seven members of the Standing Committee in accordance with the statutory procedure, amendments to the budget proposed by eight is adhere to the principle of budget, before spending, compile a provisional budget, budgeted expenditures of the specification before the NPC was held nine budget is a citizen or organization has the right to violate laws and regulations, toNational People's Congress and its Standing Committee or other exposures or charges the State organs concerned; ten is responsible for violation of the provisions of executive accountability leadership and personnel in charge or other legal liabilities. V, empowerment of local government at the provincial level appropriate debt, debt management will place into the orbit of rule of law. In accordance with the existing law on budget, local governments did not cite claims。  But in practice, because of various reasons, local Governments generally have more or less debt, particularly since the beginning of 2008, part of the local government debt and debt pressures. Debt to be controlled within the range of safe and reliable, proceed from the actual situation in China, claims of empowerment of local government at the provincial level should be appropriate andThe local debt management into the orbit of rule of law. The budget law must be clearly defined: one is based on the actual situation of socio-economic development in the region, the local Provincial Government can be raised will be the scale of debt, where provincial debt proportion of GDP in the same year local area should be controlled within 3%, provincial debt balance within the region's share of GDP should be under 20%; The second was to strictly local debt, raise the debt of local governments at the provincial level, mainly used to make up for the previous year's deficit, return of old debt and the other much-needed financial expenditure of local Government; three is to strengthen debt management, the strict debt constraints tera power leveling, local debt income and expenditure should be included in the budget management, provincial debt budget deal with the former local debtIssued lines, and main uses, and using period, and borrowed rates, and using way and debt coupon made more description, and by this level NPC review approved and supervision; four is to strengthening claims debt responsibility, established sound settlement debt mechanism, in issued local bond or for local debt financing Shi, must clear local debt of issued main, and made debt scale, and made debt program, and reimbursement mechanism, and made debtResponsibility, debt funds and performance evaluation, and included local provincial government term target responsibility system, and linked to the performance appraisal of local heads of provincial. VI, strict liability, strengthen budget constraints. At present violations of budget management species range, violate the more serious, current law provides liability of content and less emptyAnd lack of action. To strict liability, strengthen budget constraints, amending budget and enumerated by the law should take an overview combining methods, more generally, harms more focused list of violations of budget management, development of appropriate liability and penalties, and depending on the seriousness of offenders, relevant departments main leadership and personnel corresponding rowsPolitical responsibility or liability. Is in strict accordance with the tax according to the rate of income, receivable collection, tax revenues levied in full and on time, is not in accordance with planned indicators or less task syndrome, syndrome, loose ladder tax, or tax or tax in disguise, is prohibited unauthorized tax reduction or exemption; the second was against interception, misappropriation of revenue and not confuse the revenue levels at all levels, will be allowed toChange levels of revenue; three are against altering the use of fiscal funds, not to use financial funds for other uses, are also not allowed to flow between budget items with four departments, units, sishe accounts is prohibited, both allowance shall not breach or pretexts are all subsidised; five is a sound debt management system, local debts included in budget management,Target management of local debt risk, guard against financial risks, raise debt exceeds the legal provisions without authorization, or unable to pay off the debt expires, hold local leaders and personnel responsibilities. The budget law is the most important system of protection of the public budget, and the core of the public budget and public finance. "16" was the CentralConstantly reiterated the goal of building public service Government, amendments to the law on budget, is the most important step towards this goal. Others:

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