Saturday, March 31, 2012

buy swtor is expected to upgrade 3% category margin - VAE

129760833637031250_26Bright dairy: room temperature short Board repair Pakistan's advantage Investment mosilian, 12 sales accounted for milk revenue is expected to reach 40% at room temperature, is expected to upgrade 3% category margin, bright dairy products at room temperature for a long time that not conducive to change situations of increased profits. 12 mosilian and two bright high-end dairy products at room temperature to usher in auspicious start, mosilian January sales have income to $ 2Also over 90 million, we forecast sales revenue is expected to exceed $ 1.3 billion for the year. As a company, another high-end milk at room temperature, after the relocation tera power leveling, 11 sales grew around 15%, is another point in 12 categories. Because both gross margin and 55%, respectively, continued brisk marketing revenue ratio was expected to greatly enhance the categoryInterest rates, thereby improving profitability. Benefit from industry prosperity, increase, we predict a bright traditional advantages of pasteurized milk revenue will continue to maintain the high growth of around 25%. We believe that because of the market for milk and do not match China patterns of both milk and pasteurized milk at room temperature will exist for a long time, but for now more than 8:2 less than the two, pasteurized milk has bottomed outDemand, sales growth will be higher than 10% liquid milk industry growth. The other hand buy swtor, the domestic price comparison of pasteurized milk and milk at room temperature below the global practice of 2:1 and Yu Ba consumer milk prices are relatively sensitive and 12-13 prices are expected to maintain cent of growth is expected. Accordingly, revenue growth is expected to reach more than 20%. Light to "new rareLong ", first mover advantage of relative mengniu, yili, as well as the relative scale of the pasteurized milk sector, so that it may be pasteurized milk" rejuvenation "of significant beneficiaries. Pasteurized milk has a gross margin of around 40%, the category of "new favorite" is also expected to improve the overall profitability of light. Increased short-term catalysts. Prior to capital market awareness is low, currently scheduledIncrease was imminent, we believe that the company will take a more positive attitude to communicate, let the market know light is a kind of enterprises star wars credits, as well as strategy and prospects for future development. Investment advice and ratings we are optimistic about the company's long-term growth, due to expected sales, slightly adjust the 2011 earnings forecast, expected EPS-0.23, 0.33, $ 0.51 (original forecasts, 0.23, 0.49), maintain the company "overweight" rating, given its good growth, it is recommended that long-term investors. Risk factors: mosilian 12 growth not expected; food security issues. Others:

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