Tuesday, April 3, 2012

swtor credits total liabilities 21883.14 billion yuan. At the same time - CWI

129770869282343750_55Report from (reporter Jiang Yanxin) last year, the single actually turned a profit of 75.736 billion yuan, expects revenue this year to $ 82.3 billion. Yesterday, the Treasury announced the State-owned capital operating revenue budget for the first time, with $ 5 billion for spending on social security and other livelihood. Single handed profit expansion to 963 households Finance Ministry said this year, turned a profit the enterprise of the yearCapacity, the Ministry and the General Administration of sport owned enterprises, Ministry of health, the State-owned assets supervision belongs to some enterprises, civil aviation authority directly under the capital airports holding company, included in the scope of State-owned asset budget implementation, turned a profit this year of a-level enterprise of 963. According to the single range has been included in the budget last year total assets of 33,814,450,000,000 yuan, total liabilities 21883.14 billion yuan. At the same time, total $ 1,494,390,000,000 in profits, net profits 1.1115 trillion yuan. Is expected this year after tax profits of $ 82.3 billion in 2012, is expected to receive $ 82.3 billion after-tax profits of Central enterprises in China, increased number of implementation over the previous year 6.564 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7%. 2012 central State-owned capital management collectionInto the budget of 87.507 billion yuan, of which: 82.3 billion yuan profit income diablo 3 gold, dividend, dividend income of 100 million Yuan, State share sales revenue of $ 2 billion swtor credits, closing 3.107 billion yuan a year earlier. Among them, the profits of the tobacco industry revenues $ 16 billion swtor credits, almost $ 27.9 billion in petroleum and petrochemical enterprises, power enterprises close to $ 5.9 billion, almost $ 9.9 billion of telecom enterprises and so on. Representatives of the national people's Congress ye QingThat, from the perspective of current, only than 15% turned over to the most profitable State-owned enterprises, also is on the low side. Spending in State-owned enterprises profit, $ 5 billion will be redeployed to the public budget expenditures for social security and other people's livelihood, than last year's $ 4 billion increased by $ 1 billion. Interpretation 1 15.4 billion for the construction of airport reports show this year, 2012, the Central Government income fund 299 billion dollars, less than $ 312.6 billion last year. Civil aviation airport construction fee revenues to $ 14.7 billion last year, $ 15.4 billion this year. Causes of increased, the Ministry of Finance expressed mainly in 2012 is expected to have a certain degree of civil aviation passenger traffic growth. At the same time, 2012 new paid toll revenue estimates the number of land for construction purposes24.327 billion yuan, 6.082 billion yuan less than implementation in 2011, a drop of 20%. Ye Qing said, total revenues of the Fund, revenue for the year, the money was not high. Therefore, proposed many charges removed. Such as airport construction fee has been widely criticized from the perspective of Governments tend to put into practice the people's livelihood, should no longer receive the money.2 Treasury is healthy per cent GDP report showed that in 2011, the national debt balance limit of 7.7708 trillion yuan, was 8.2708 trillion yuan in late 2012. Professor of the Central University of finance and Zeng Kanghua said, from an international point of view, the Government debt ratio does not exceed 60% of the proportion of the GDP, it's economy is healthy. From last year's data, stopThe end of 2010, three types of local government debts totaling $ 10.72 trillion, equivalent to the GDP of about 26.9%, even if calculated according to the caliber, 17% per cent of GDP plus the central financial debt balances, policies of financial debt of about 6% per cent of GDP, the total public sector Debt-to-GDP ratio at around 50%. For the amount of Treasury bonds this year, even with other debt,There is not much change in percentage, to that end, the data showed China's economy is relatively healthy. Reporter Jiang Yanxin Others:

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