Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold 000 medical expenses. At present - KHX

129774149461250000_83Photo: stained on the House floor. Big picture: Liu Guofeng mouth injuries, I'm not talking.  Reporter Wang Yixuan's photography on March 22, in Hebei province's Sanhe city Yanjiao town Zhuge village, the shop, over more than 20 masked men armed with machetes, and tricks, iron rods, broke into villagers Liu Guofeng, Liu Guofeng and 6 relatives cut injuries. It is understood, The village was knocked down, wounded, and villagers suspect, and cut down the people who are affected by the demolition. At present, the local police have arrested 12 persons may be connected with the case officer.  Yanjiao town government says first advance $ 150,000 medical expenses. Face masked people into homes late at night yesterday morning, reporters saw Liu Guofeng in Tongzhou 263 in the hospital ward, in the hospital to seek medical treatmentAlso his cousin LAU Kwok-wah, son of Chao Liu, brother-in-law Wang Qiang (pseudonym), Liu Guofeng's wife and young son Di Liu in the second artillery General Hospital hospital treatment; LAU Kwok-wah's brother Liu Wei (pseudonym) most severe injuries, in the General Hospital of the people's Liberation Army Hospital. Liu Guofeng from mouth wounds and unable to speak. According to the introduction to the LAU Kwok-wah, the evening of March 21, Liu Guofeng had been hurled homemade explosiveFried, that night they sent Liu Guofeng mother to other relatives, temporary shelters for a while, and they returned home was on March 22. LAU Kwok-wah said that at about 1 o'clock in the morning, suddenly someone kick the door open, was also over the wall into the homes, the intruder has more than 20 people, all with a machete, tricks, iron rods, most wearing black hoods. At that time, he and Liu Guofeng is the courtyard to smoke tera gold, Was broken into, immediately lift a stick, a spade in self-defense, but as being outnumbered is cut down. Relatives of the rest in the House was injured and wounded by intruder cut.  Entire process took about 4 minutes, during which, relatives continue to call for help, interlopers found have been alerted after neighbors fled. Seven Liu Guofeng cut wound was the first to be cut down, his arm, his left ear and mouthLip was injured. LAU Kwok-wah are iron rods hit his forehead wound, cut a knife in the head, left leg hip was smashed two axes. Figure is Liu Wei, knife, was hit in the head. LAU Kwok-wah said, Liu Wei, the skull was shattered, is still not out of danger.  Other relatively light injuries. Wang Qiang shovel back in when the incident occurred, he hurt the most light, face only a stab. After the incident, Wang Qiang openHeavy figure LAU Kwok-wah, Liu Guofeng, Tung Chau 263, Liu Wei, sent to hospital.  Local police leaders to investigate other injured persons were then rushed to the emergency vehicles rushed to the hospital. Yesterday afternoon, with journalist came to Liu Guofeng Wang Qiang. In rooms, and within the hospital are left with blood on the door tera power leveling, most of the Windows were smashed, glass debris scattered. Parked in the hospitalVan was also hit. Also keeping some fireworks confetti-like objects in the hospital.  Wang Qiang said, that is after someone threw homemade explosives debris. Analysis on suspicion of relocation-related journalists in Zhuge village, the shop to see, many houses have been demolished. Villagers said that since last year, it has lived up to the real estate arm of the swallow group company staff and the village Committee team membersTogether to villagers to seek relocation advice.  "They said, agreed to remove signature" signed some of the villagers soon to move out. Villagers presented to reporters on May 15 last year released to the divisions of all villagers in the hands of the villagers that shows two common to each villager origination comprehensive compensation of $ 225,000. Villagers said, of which $ 150,000 after the villagers housing unitsTo compensate, the remaining $ 75,000 to the village after the work is completed in order to pay. In addition, developers also 1000 Yuan per square meter of compensation to villagers. Villagers said the real estate company's relocation to its present comprehensive compensation and rehousing of the villagers paid to Zhuge shop "rules", Congress has not passed villagers discussed. At present, the village more than more than 600 of the villagersThere are more than 300 households is not removed.  On March 18 this year, lived up to the real estate company will release to the villagers of the Zhuge shop again the villagers, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the municipal government, Zhuge village, the shop has been expropriated for State-owned land for the development of "Seoul" project to persuade villagers agree to removal as soon as possible. Many villagers reflect, the village of demolition work began in April of last year,Door knock at the door with the more than 20 people, swearing and cried "when moving?  Still does not move, we have to ". It is understood that in mid-March, son of Liu Guofeng Chao Liu had disputes with strange men, but did not do it yourself.  In addition, some villagers also said someone threw homemade explosives into the yard. Wang Qiang told reporters that he heard the police split from residential real estate companyMove found machetes, tricks, homemade explosives.  But this was not officially confirmed. Response to Government paid medical expenses of the town yesterday morning, hundreds of Zhuge village, the shop came to Yanjiao town government, Liu Guofeng and his family were a cut wound to recover.  Yanjiao town Party Secretary Wang Linhui, related leaders hosted a villager. Villagers said, since its demolition, has beenThreat to some stranger, demanded immediate move out, all of you are so afraid of, they cut the suspected person and about the removal, I hope the Government presence, protect the villagers ' safety. In addition, the villagers also reflect, before demolition starts tera power leveling, not held the villagers ' meeting in the village, nor a collective vote. Last March, the villagers have been asked to sign a paper, says that this villageFor demolition. One villager said: "then said later on the demolition process, compensation, and many people were checked. "Yanjiao town government information Office said this, cut people after the incident, the town Government to immediately report to the Sanhe city government, has paid $ 150,000 medical expenses. At present, the local police have arrested 12 suspects. Town government and related departmentsDeveloper communication responsibility removal, they denied the case.  At present, patrol patrol was sent to the demolition of the one-third area of the town, in order to protect the personal safety of the villagers.  In addition, Yanjiao town government information service denied that relocation of villagers held prior to the General Assembly, said demolition after villagers vote of the General Assembly, all processes conform to the national requirements. This version of writing this in mindQi Zhou Trainee journalist huairuoguzhu stars () Others:

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