Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold its planned investment slumped by $ 1.4 billion - PIL

129771798667437310_150Surging asset-liability ratio, make the already unbearable burden inventory room and enterprises more breathless. Statistics show that as of March 21, the total of 32 real estate companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen announced the 2011 annual report.  Among them, 21 liabilities rose, liabilities rose by more than 10 home 30%, 9 asset-liability ratio of more than 70%. Analysts sayFrom the above figures, some indicators have exposed the potential problems facing the industry. Total liabilities at 30% according to the WIND data and statistics show that as at the end of 2011, 2011 in Shanghai and Shenzhen have annual report 32 real estate company liabilities amounted to 481.84 billion yuan, 2010 this 32 room of enterprise liabilitiesAmounted to 370.652 billion yuan, total liabilities of $ 111.188 billion over the same period a year earlier, increasing its total liabilities 30%. In addition, these data also show that liabilities grew by more than 6 rooms and Enterprise 40%, which is Toulon shares with the highest increase in liabilities (600,696), the growth rate of 86.7%; 12 assets liabilities rateOr close to the 70%, one of the highest debt to asset ratio is high (000628) at 96%. In this regard, Research Institute of Shanghai real estate Vice President Yang Hongxu told reporters, judging from the above statistical data tera power leveling, increased financial pressure faced by enterprises in 2011. At the same time, in 2012, the House not only further increased financial pressure faced by enterprises,Douzeng inventory pressure. Yang Hongxu believes that listed many factors House prices spiralling debt, market downturn tera power leveling, weak sales and inventory pressures douzeng are main causes of enterprise liabilities and funding pressures.  In addition, withdrawal of funds is not timely, the need for more investment projects is also a significant cause of these problems. Worthy of note is, dragon-head enterprises vanke liabilities totalReached 228.376 billion yuan, accounting for above 32 room enterprises total liability of 47%, its debt to asset ratio also rose in front of 74.69% per cent.  In response, Yang Hongxu believes that wanke, a debt to asset ratio is rushed, "red line" not a conclusion, because last year's surge in business inventories, which is included in liabilities. Ping an securities real estateXiaodong Li, analyst, believes that enterprise debt rate rise is normal, because advance accounts high in this industry.  He said that, in addition to cash flow deteriorated due to poor, remittances, and advance high accounts payable is the main reason led to enterprise debt rate rise. However, senior analyst, told reporters that excessive debt to asset ratio means that the debt burden, the enterprise capital chain pressureLarge, large financial risk.  Real estate development investment down Yang Hongxu increases view, listed enterprises rose of indebtedness and high inventory pressures cause the housing enterprises have no time to attend to other things, most of the enterprises put all the energy in the room rate and increase sales, enhance inventory frequently on financing to relieve the pressure of debt. In fact, large enterprises have responded, Poly, merchants, and other recent positiveLeading prices, fully discounted.  Where is the green city of the most typical, after the Spring Festival has focused on product sales, even its Chairman Song Weiping is claimed to be a sales amount, and welcome him to buy a House. In addition, more enterprises are busy "change". Recently, the first opened, in the sea, Lake, agile, jingtai County, rich developers frequently through the trust, such as issue of priority billsIn various ways, such as financing.  Yang Hongxu said, developers engaged in sales and financing debt, cool the enthusiasm evident, especially in land acquisition continued decline. It is worth mentioning that, relative to boost product sales and frequently attack the capital market, enterprises in the land market can call it very carefully. Wanke, Vice President of China vanke Mao DaqingWhen told reporters at the start of, first quarter of 2012, will not hold in Beijing vanke, the group will work to reduce inventory.  In fact this is the case in the first quarter has been reaching the end, branches in the land market does not act. In addition, the huaye real estate (600,240) executives have told the reporter that, excluding special cases, huaye real estate in 2012Will not be in Beijing. Worth mentioning is, according to the Hua Yuan real estate (600,743) has released the 2011 annual report shows that in 2012, the company used to direct investment in real estate development projects amounted to $ 4.6 billion.  In 2011, its planned investment slumped by $ 1.4 billion, shrinking up to 23%. According to the Shanghai real estateInstitute of statistics, 2012 1 ~ June, national real estate development investment 543.1 billion yuan, an increase of 27.8% per cent than for 2011 as a drop 0.1%, fell by 7.4% over the same period in 2011 tera gold, an increase of a prolonged downturn. Yang Hongxu also said that the area of increase has began a sharp decline in housing starts,Expected increase in investment in real estate development will also continue to fall this year. Securities daily Others:

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