Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold not breakthrough - AEX

129773822112031250_104Toxic products poison the body, toxic toxic economic data, facts of the National Bureau of statistics in detail for the first time, inform the public of toxic data generation process.  Process of the release of toxic data without the slightest technical ability, brutal and blunt have false power. National Bureau of statistics according to report publicly disclosed for the first time, yongchuan district, Chongqing and intervention of Shanxi hejin city statistics.In November last year, Chongqing yongchuan district, documentation requirements, enterprise networking online submissions direct reporting unit statistical data set tables, must bring forward the enterprise statistic reporting data for the current period, reported to the statistical institution or industrial park, town, street or District Council for town and country planning, land resources and Housing Authority, the Commission and examined by the Committee and other related trade authorities, once only online submissions. Shanxi hejinCity practices a more absurd, recently direct network report of 2011 annual report data in a table before and after the data simply be issued directly to the enterprise, Enterprise plagiarism report. Too superstitious technology technology primacy, against the dire consequences of common sense. Improved technology means no way to prevent the wrong incentives, and efficient means to correct mechanism complement each other, can make a mistakeMore outrageous the error mechanism.  Internet is convenient to what extent is only faster for statistical data dissemination of false and not make fake data return true. A typical case is that local GDP total years above the national core counts. 2011 31 provinces and cities combined GDP of 51.8 trillion yuan, statisticsData out of the $ 4.6 trillion, equivalent to a 2011 total GDP in Shandong province.  Previous excuses all the same excuse data differences between the national statistical office, statistical double counting of different levels, from refuses to honestly admit that there is a large area of the phenomenon of false data. On February 18 of this year, direct network report system in China, over 700,000 homes "on the three"(Above-scale industrial qualification within the construction and real estate development enterprises and catering enterprises above designated size in wholesale and retail and accommodation) via the Internet directly to the provincial branch of the national statistical office or submit data, statistical workers at enterprises entering in the steering. This is considered the data protection of the authenticity of the most important works, the State Statistics Bureau takes this can be "juice original"The grassroots enterprise data.  GDP by the National Bureau of accounting in the future, two sets of data no longer appears central and local tongue and no bases. Current incentive mechanism of statistical data is the error. Unscrupulous local Government Department to send data directly to enterprise level, explains performance and perfect harmony between GDP, staffing a software doesn't solve the system obstacleAnd integrity could not be established to the great wall. The other hand, some large enterprises, for listings, financing credit for maintaining good relations between, and Government officials tera gold, enterprise reporting data may not necessarily be true. National Bureau of statistics 2009 70 cities nationwide House prices rose by 1.5%, and a large black dragon, is because it is too superstitious development enterpriseEscalation of the price data and market blindness of an ostrich.  Technology cannot contain false impulse, technology primacy will cover the real reason for the prevalence of false data. In February, the State Statistical Bureau Deputy Director Li Qiang is still in an interview could not be real cause of false data. Qiang Li pointed out that from the source, authenticity is more important for enterprise data. TakeMeasures include strengthening infrastructure construction, require companies to have the complete original; strengthening the grass-roots level of statistical staff training; data audit between, in the "enterprise of a table" has a logical checking items such as audit, technical audit to ensure that true to the original data. Each company and each base of statistical staff, are in accordance with the People's Republic of China unificationMethod of work, have an obligation to ensure that basic truth of enterprise data. If you are experiencing interference and interference of the statistical data, statisticians have the right to refuse.  Means all of the above is a minor repair, especially the last one, just as every chicken called for the right to refuse the weasel's predator and meaningless. Establishing the right incentives there are two options: to reconnect the achievementAssessment indexes, greatly reducing weight in GDP in the performance appraisal.  Cost of both economic growth and statistics of statistics, statistics of local people's happiness tera gold, let people know where thick black behind the GDP; the second, punish the fake background, counterfeiters put credit blacklists, used in government examination system, credit system, was paying a heavy price by counterfeiters. What comfort is, Statistical offices started ground, close to the market. Original style, swing-a-way Black Dragon also pretend to cite various technical reasons, arguing that pendulum Oolong rational, style is now, be punished once it's verified reports, disclose to the communityIndeed, some statistical system represents a major step forward. No matter how bad the real, is better than a whitewash of the abscess in light peach, the real bottom line of social principles, not breakthrough, cannot be challenged.  Note: on March 23, the daily economic news of direct network report disclosed a new means of fraud. 1, passage is false means "ladder", namely local government requirements business reportAccording to time, have to data and statistics to keep the "convergence", cannot appear larger deviations. Local government requires Enterprise report data and data of the Statistical Office "convergence". Head of statistics somewhere, now the hand of intervention, goes directly to the source. For example, companies still perform before paper statements, reported to local statistical offices audited, and then on to networkNational statistical offices.  When talking to statisticians in other provinces, also found so many.  2, a number of local authorities to enterprises "lobbying", or pressure in disguise, is one of the reasons of false data. Adjustments to the basic business statistics data, mostly by upper management with administrative duties, on the enterprise to which it belongs in the larger individuals and enterprisesIndustry to adjust.  More secretive approach is to help measure by the statistical departments, implementation by relevant competent departments and enterprises, and enterprises in accordance with the measurement results reported. 3 Repeat report. "For example, a group of independent legal person reported data, and then group data that had already been submitted to a summary, in the name of the group then reported again. "4, base data fraud."For example, a flat report output is 500 million dollars last year, when reported this year tera power leveling, the data may be less than $ 500 million, increase this year.  "In interpreting the data variable hours last year, can be said to be included in provincial investments last year output value of production, now corrected. What do you mean there is technology, localities have their counter-measures, here it is. Others:

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