Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold the Yangtze River before and after media in April last year after the record high - EZV

129773822082031250_39We see Shembe 10.3 million shares daily limit as a four-quarter of last year to the most talked about the impact of the policy Board, media plate to add the fn. Yesterday, the ST source changed its name to Yangtze River Media (600,757), under the environment of the market shrink volume oscillation, to spike down manner "first show". Close of the unit was 0.43%, 9.45 per cent. From the cityReaction, Yangtze River changed its name in the media does not cause changes of the media sector, but in the last four quarters firing positions work of listed companies of Shembe (600,843), but by encouraging late once the daily limit yesterday. First unit of Hubei cultural industries was born in March of last year, ST disclosed restructuring plan made by the source, to $ 5.2 fixed-price increases into the Yangtze River in Hubei publishingGroup Publishing, distribution, printing, printing supplies, and other published media business assets. This announcement before and after the disclosure, the company staged 12 consecutive daily limit, research on the share price from $ 6.65 per cent to a maximum of $ 12.16. Earlier this year the company completed restructuring asset delivery, yesterday officially changed its name to media of the Yangtze River, become the first media industry in Hubei section of listed companies.With back-door listing of the publishing group of the Yangtze River, due to years of huge losses and by the bankruptcy and reorganization of the ST source (2008-$ 754 million in net profit) for gorgeous turn. Under the reformed after the first reported by the media of the Yangtze River, last year the company reported net profit of $ 280 million, increase of 20% compared. From valuation, dynamics of the unit currently 35.1 times price-earnings ratioThe industry average. "Zhaimao" factor stimulation, the sharp advance in stocks in early trading yesterday, then rushed to a maximum of $ 10.19 on volume, or 8.29%. However, as the volume decreases, the unit all the way down, and only ended up 0.43%, $ 9.45. Daily transactions amounted to $ 257 million, record highs since April last year. On technologyYin spindle line. Shang Gong Shen Beifu surplus of more than $ 25 million, in fact, media is not media section of the Yangtze River first backdoor listing of stock. As early as the end of September last year, Zhejiang media (600,633), back-door *ST white cat to achieve operational assets listed as a whole, when the unit is not only listed on the renamed crazy after rising more than 70%, led the excavation of funds on the media unitHype. But from the perspective of yesterday who, media of the Yangtze River "appeal" is obviously limited. Yesterday, necking, large oscillations in the media sector recorded an average jump of 1.25%, leading the plates of the two cities. Among them tera power leveling, the early variety with a combined with washed only publishing (601,999), Phoenix media (601,928), times publishing (600,551) and the newChina media (600,825), shares opened lower. However, the Yangtze River media changed its name but the work of Shembe's smash.����On Friday when ST suspension made by the source to be renamed, Shang Gong in shenbei inverse rose 6.84%, yesterday a lower high impact daily limit on trading volume, close up 9.6%, closed at $ 9.25. Public information displayAs shown in the work Shembe and ST sources belong to the unit in Shanghai, four quarters of last year the company was in bankruptcy and reorganization by banks in the ST source from payment of interest, 10.3 million units, which reformed 2.9%, sixth-largest circulation in circulation after shareholders. According to Shang Gong shenbei annual report disclosure, the initial investment cost of a part of shares of 72.0857 million Yuan, the corresponding per share investCost $ 7. To yesterday's closing price in the media of the Yangtze River, Shang Gong Shembe this yields a part of shares of 35%, corresponding to book floating profit $ 25.24 million, accounted for 22.4% of the company's net profit last year.����In fact, the Yangtze River before and after media in April last year after the record high, research on the two back to the document only when the minimum is $ 7.3, cost of its stake above the shanggong Shembe. It is worth noting thatIs, in addition to holding media outside of the Yangtze River, Shang Gong Shen Beishang holds a plate of the radio and TV information for the media about 30,000 shares, current carrying amount of net profits of $ 387 tera power leveling,000. At the same time, in systemic decline, new shares under the environment of the Earth break last year, had sold stock investment earnings 1.3583 million Yuan tera gold, at the end of last year, its shares huarui wind power, style, and so "new"Stock. On the secondary market, work Shembe since mid-November 2010 to enter the adjustment, $ 20.45 with the highest share price when dropped to $ 6.02 in mid-January of this year, after a tragic fall, it lags the market steady rebound, with moderate magnification. Nearly two days observed in Changyang, repression has exceeded half a year line of the unit, and record yearNew highs. Others:

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