Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold easily more than 3 million" and other propaganda terms - JBE

129762943222812500_143Fifth series of the Renminbi currency speculation by stunt without the rare value Currency we use on a daily basis to sell higher price, this seems an impossible thing. In practice, however, now on the market is the existence of a group of businessmen, who under various pretexts, as it is marked in the fifth series of the renminbi in circulation was higher than hundreds of times face value times the value. RMB value soaring hundreds of times, "lion", "Leopard", "heaven and Earth",At first the words not of the best, and in the hands of some businesses, these names were raising product prices, "catalyst". Fifth series banknotes divided into $ 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1, if each one, face value to $ 186. However, in the hands of businessmen, is also a fifth series, price is days differenceDon't. Journalists in the "Chinese national currency collection network" site seeing, ten of each denomination, number the first three bits are 8 of the fifth series of the renminbi is known as "leading Leopard King" tera power leveling, with a total face value of $ 1860, list prices have been as high as $ 7,900, in its display of products, which also are not the most expensive. Each denomination is also ten, number from seven 0 or sevenAll the way to seven of nine, such a currency is called "7-bit, lion", is also a face value of $ 1860, price was as high as $ 397,000, nearly 200 times higher than face value. In addition, there are 490,000 bid of "Heaven", "open", "Emperor", "the Leopard King", respectively tera gold, at the nominal value by more than 200 times to 400 times times, and there are "only this set", "If you want auction, easily more than 3 million" and other propaganda terms, and dazzling. Value of currency is not rare "that's deceitful thing. "For the fifth series of the selling prices, madian coin collection coin collection on the sale of the businesses, the market for many years, Zhang is very clear�� Zhang told reporters that the current collectors limited enthusiasm for the fourth series, the fifth series of RMB currency is now also to be issued, far from what the rare value. "World attention now mainly Yuan before the third set and, like the 12th set of some precious save scarce, so the selling prices are not accidents; the fifth seriesSo, what's the value to the collection? Even so, hundreds of times the price premium is high, get paid? "This reporter has learned, cherished number Yuan could be forged. "Some merchants to sell expensive, are likely to be ' replace the beams with rotten timbers ' scoop, Supplement and other means used to counterfeit the currency number tera power leveling, to profit. "The sale of currency in circulation illegalSpeculation of currency in circulation is not only has investment value, but also in violation of State laws and regulations. Journalists in the Bank was informed that, according to the provisions of the currency regulations of the 25th against the illicit sale of currency in circulation, prevent the sale of currency in circulation to attain the goal of profit. Reporter noted that in most major collections on site, as a collection of peopleCurrency only from first to fourth, fifth series does not appear. According to another survey of journalists, early in 2005, the people's Bank of China to issue 2005 version of the fifth series of the renminbi is made clear when, any person or organization is strictly prohibited by 2005 as the fifth series RMB issued, using the lucky number of illegal practices such as promotions. We can see that the "people of sky-highMoney "if not counterfeit money, but also to illegal speculation. Others:

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