Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold "my father and people around me are completely different and his skin as black as pitch -

129773928469531250_72Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog roll newsletter hexun top pick book reviews the history of celebrity anecdotal books feature interview with famous historical photographsBlog reading Forum reading > body font size print RSS source March 27, 2012: image of Hillary Clinton and aobamaaobama Chun lang, eloquence, and cheerful humor, funny。 He has half of black African descent, and wrote in his autobiography dreams from my father: "my father and people around me are completely different and his skin as black as pitch, my mother white as milk impressed me on this point. "Where is the boss as a Deputy for the second point in the United States Democratic Party presidential candidate in a dogfight over the battle lastingWar came as xilalilianrilai repeated words, invited the Obama campaign Deputy tera gold, collusion as the White House. Clinton invited to their "start" "kindness", Obama flatly refuses, and witty humor to say: "where is the boss as a Deputy for the second point. "Live audience laughter, loud cheers, applause lasting. Obama also added a banter: "IReally do not understand. "This is the first time Obama mocked Hillary Clinton so directly" dream ticket "proposal. He is also full of confidence to say, he won primaries by State is Hillary Clinton twice, and won the general election and number of votes representing higher votes than Clinton. "I'm here to run for President, rather than the Vice President! "We have not received their match on the spouseIn January 2005, when Obama's visit to the White House tera power leveling, Bush personally accompany him to eat breakfast, when introduced to Mrs CLERICI, Laura Ann Obama, Bush said: "this is Obama, we saw him on television, he has a very happy family, a very good wife. "Obama immediately replied:" we are on our own match does not matchEven. "This sentence to praise his wife also compliments the Bush and Laura, but implying to belittle Bush. Bush back to God to estimated heart will feel suffocating flexor: "you cannot match your modesty, why do you give me humility? Did I really deserve my wife? Even if I don't deserve my wife's round can't you tell me! ”Brad Pitt beautiful gene Superman candidate Barack Obama of the Democratic Party, after blood tracks tera power leveling, hundreds of years ago, Super Idol and Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt used to be a parent. Auba talk shows at once, easy to talk about it. Anchor Barbara asked: "How are you and Brad Pitt are related? "William ArbaughRidicule Ma said: "I think we are cousins of the Nineth generation, less what the Nineth generation, I mean, Pete has many beautiful genes. "Obama's humorous, Barbara quiet him on the spot, she said:" maybe I shouldn't say that, but I'll say, you look very sexy. ” Others:

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