Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold ease of modification of social harmfulness - OSU

129773993444843750_9Home | Rule of law news | Chief Editor logs | Hot comments | Corruption news | Rule of law | Social records | Activist voices | Hot focus | Rule of law | Political and legal front | Feature interview | Global | ForumHome Rule->> News 11:14:10.0->> body 2012-03-27 Guangzhou devoted son helps mother Zhao Qiyu Liu Guannan "euthanasia" case to hearing friends and relatives seeking a lenient sentence of proof 25,054 Deng Mingjian help suicide euthanasia law news/enpproperty--> wife of Dr. Ming Deng Jian Hua SuyingLooking forward to her husband go home with a suspended sentence.   Dr. Ming Deng family and friends built to produce additional evidence. At the request of his mother, he bought two bottles of pesticides, blending gave it to his mother after ingestion, chronic affliction's mother died of poisoning caused by sth Taking care of mother for 20 years, has never complained about filial son Deng Ming building "euthanasia" case of murder yesterday in Panyu district, Guangzhou City people's CourtSecond sitting. Deng's mother committed suicide or was killed, Deng Mingjian was deliberately killed or kidnapped by mother spirit, help implement the "euthanasia" can receive a light sentence?   A game of legal and moral debate again, "euthanasia" is a hot topic onto the air waves. The "trial" of additional evidence: friends and relatives confirmed Deng's mother wanted to commit suicide several times in Court yesterday survey-order, Prosecutors submitted additional evidence to the Court.   Dr. Ming Deng relatives and villagers provide testimony prove mother Li Shulan from ailing Deng Ming built since repeatedly expressed willingness to commit suicide. Dr. Ming Deng Deng Mingfang built two sister's testimony that, since 2002, often mothers body cramps, pain was shouting "you buy a bottle of medicine for me is dead" 2011 new year, Deng Mingfang and motherPro power, mother Deng Mingjian to buy medicine for her to eat, so that their is no pain, go here all the time.   Dr. Ming Deng Jian's younger brother Deng Mingyou also testified that there was a father tera power leveling, mothers often make their own father and bought pesticides to help her commit suicide. Village chiefs in the village said that Deng's mother after a stroke twice in the 1991, 1996, Deng's father helped her to jump well. Deng Ming built another oldAlso proves that Deng's mother often say they want to die, his son bought poison to drink her; bad Deng never said Deng Ming building, old and say you're sorry for him.   Dr. Ming Deng Jian's cousin said tera gold, 10 days before the incident, Dr. Ming Deng Jian's mother had complained about why God did not accept her. Case details: the blending of how pesticide gave it to consume Deng's mother is a mother of euthanasia? This critical detail yesterday in courtTo be confirmed.   According to the Prosecutor's statement, Deng Ming built to follow the mother's request, fig Garden, shilou town, Panyu district, street shilou supply and marketing cooperative bought two bottles of pesticide fertilizer pesticide store, return rental pesticide blending unscrewed the CAP and gave his mother after ingestion, mother died after ingestion of pesticide poisoning. Defence counsel: subject to spirits kidnap difficult to defend equivalent to intentional homicide, built by Dr. Ming DengDivisions and joint law firm lawyer Tang Chengkui believes that prosecutors supplementary evidence demonstrated filial Deng Ming built her mother, without Deng Mingjian deep love to the mother, it is difficult to do for 20 years and meticulous care to the mother of the day. Tang Chengkui believed that Deng Mingjian there is no criminal motives, contrary to the mother spirit of long-term mental control over Deng Mingjian tera gold, kidnapping, forcedMeet the wishes or bawling. "Deng Mingjian was mother forced him to do so, difficult to equate built by Dr. Ming Deng ' wilful murder '.   "Tang Chengkui want Court considered Deng Ming kin criminal case, it has always obedient performance, ease of modification of social harmfulness, and Deng Ming built a chance. Prosecutor: incomplete sense of Deng's mother's suicideProsecutors pointed out that Deng Mingjian when the salesman had told him to buy a pesticide, harmful effects of pesticide after blending, Deng Mingjian mother drank pesticide after very clearly what will be the consequences, its evidence of the crime of intentional homicide, Deng Ming kin must bear legal responsibility for their actions. Prosecutors stressed that "the defendant's mother has been affected by illness, and case requirements before buyingPesticide suicides, but actually is not a full sense of suicide, but Deng Ming building implemented the help and feed results. "Prosecutors also pointed out that, according to additional evidence, can confirm that Deng Ming built decades of maternal care, meet responsibilities of filial piety. "The whole event, not only is the tragedy of Li Shulan, was built by Dr. Ming Deng tragedy, it is society as a wholeThe tragedy. "The Prosecutor said, it is necessary to take into account the particularities of Deng Mingjian, must also face up to social harmfulness of Deng Ming building, finds Dr. Ming Deng Jian constitutes murder, at the same time in the indictment as found in relatively serious consideration. Others:

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