Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera power leveling a series of sweeping reforms. Apply medicationto after the change - WHM

129788454834531250_51Shanghai pharmaceutical mergers and acquisitions happen to Lv Mingfang times Lv Mingfang, former Chairman, after being removed from Office, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Announces first quarter of 2012 results notice display, net profit fell 40%. This report card is a bit surprising. Shanghai pharmaceutical 2011 first quarter net income of $ 849 million, 2012 year of declining sales due mainly to Guangdong from a year earlier at Temple biochemical pharmaceutical stock coDivision is no longer included in the scope of consolidated financial statements of the company, the resulting large one-time investment gains. However, Shanghai pharmaceutical mergers and acquisitions of two heavyweights from the field, original strategic plan to go from here? Management of domestic famous experts, Beijing Ren Wang Jipeng, Chairman of strategy management consulting believes that for a system of State-owned enterprises, employing foreign experts into the enterprise isThere are risks, advisory, consulting or other ways in which State-owned enterprises can make foreign experts for business advice. Marketing executives being not acclimatized in the past year, compared to the magnificent m, Shanghai pharmaceutical personnel changes as the industry's attention. Resignation of Vice President of the original Ge Jianqiu twice poked the disturbance broke feud of the window apply medicationto internal management of high read paper, Ge Jianqiu departure does notAfter long time, rumours that former Chairman to support its aggressive mergers and acquisitions Lv Mingfang was removed from Office, the news was confirmed late last month. Ge Jianqiu, in its certification on the micro-blog comment on this message are "Finish". Management of domestic famous expert Wang Jipeng on the securities Journal said: "(people with different management concepts) once inside the impact system, enterprises must be returned to the system.Although played a role within a short time, but is not a question of one or two years, depending on corporate governance and organizational structure now. "Recalls Lv Mingfang apply medicationto, Chairman of the Group during a series of actions, wind showers, and fascinating. After his arrival is booming rapidly "plan 180 days", including personnel changes, on old apply medicationto systemNorm and incentive mechanism design, a series of sweeping reforms. Apply medicationto after the change, the group implemented rotation of Chief Financial Officer, Group Vice President of two cadres, origin by Exchange transfusion, this is rare among State-owned enterprises. In March 2010, apply medicationto selection of pilot Marketing Group CEO and other executives tera power leveling, a group from institutions such as UBS, gold "from the market" of people managementLayer, and chaired thereafter apply medicationto listing in Hong Kong and a number of merger cases, which include Ge Jianqiu worked at UBS. Medicine after the restructuring in Shanghai, Shanghai City to Shanghai pharmaceutical entered into the 2012 target of sales of 45 billion dollars. Lv Mingfang said, apply medicationto 2011 will be completed ahead of the target, target is to achieve in the next five years apply medicationto 100Annual sales revenue of $ 0, he positioned to apply medicationto 2011 "national strategy for years" and visually presented "two transformations"--that is, the transformation from Shanghai apply medicationto to apply medicationto across the country, market-oriented shift from traditional State-owned enterprises apply medicationto to apply medicationto. Lv Mingfang said: "the inescapable history, apply medicationto group has missed many opportunities, but through institutional arrangements and the baseTamping of Foundation management, new apply medicationto may become a growing company. "Lv Mingfang, 55 years old former Shanghai Industrial United holdings company limited, Managing Director, Shanghai Industrial (Holdings) Ltd Executive Director and General Manager of Finance Planning Department, Shanghai Industrial (Group), Vice President, Shanghai Industrial Holdings Chief Executive Officer, Shanghai industrial pharmaceutical technology (Group) Ltd, Shanghai industrial investment in pharmaceutical, Chairman, Shanghai pharmaceutical, Chairman of vocational education. If there is no accident, his tenure as Chairman of the original March 31, 2010. Mergers and acquisitions change Lv Mingfang during any results are seen. Annual report shows that 2011-year company revenues $ 54.9 billion, an increase of 41.78%; achieve the net profit attributable to the shareholders of listed companies $ 2.042 billion, an increase of 40.24%. In 2011, growth in pharmaceuticals business faster, in which pharmaceutical distribution business sales revenue $ 46.53 billion, an increase of 57.08%; drug retailingSales revenue of $ 2.277 billion, an increase of 31.95%. 2011 apply medicationto a total funding of $ 5.227 billion for strategic acquisitions and internal integration, acquired apply medicationto Wo Wuxi pharmaceutical, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Xin Xin pharmaceuticals, Germany Hall pharmacies, Guilin pharmaceutical industry in Guangdong, Foshan Cheung medicine. Distribution company business focus covers in East China, North China andIn southern China, has formed a nationwide distribution network. In early 2012, Shanghai pharmaceutical subsidiary wholly-owned subsidiary of three-dimensional Pharmaceutical Co Ltd and Shanghai and Shanghai West biological technology company entered into investment agreements, Western three-dimensional bio-51% access to gold and equity. Gold is a company specialized in the research, production and sale of biology and plant-derived anticancer drugs and intermediates of highSci-tech enterprise, the company developed and produced the taxanes antitumor drug intermediates series to fill the gap, occupies a share of the domestic market by more than 50%. This money is mainly used for construction in accordance with GMP in China and the United States FDA registration requirements for new plant, planned for three years into the highest domestic market share of the new company, and with the international influence of plant-derived anti-tumorDrug raw materials business. This means following the 2010 successful realization and practical medicine and Western medicine on the a-share market as a whole, 2011 successful landing h-shares to become the largest overseas Chinese enterprises after the IPO, following a period of comb adjustment, prelude to Shanghai pharmaceutical industry mergers and acquisitions have been opened, and Lv Mingfang much before mergers and acquisitions in pharmaceutical business viewpoint is subtle differenceISO. Departure of the original Ge Jianqiu, Deputy Chief Executive in charge of mergers and acquisitions, partial merger and acquisition projects in their departure if it is not already, and finish has been delayed for a long time now. Hot pharmaceutical reform State-owned enterprises management of domestic famous expert Wang Jipeng on the securities Journal said: "Lv Mingfang's departure to apply medicationto group will certainly have impact tera power leveling, but also depends on the next, Harbin pharmaceutical collectionLiu cunzhou, Chairman of Mission in the process of restructuring was out of Office. "History is strikingly repetitive, Liu cunzhou sadly retired that year with Lv Mingfang similarities. As drugs "Godfather"-level figures, Liu cunzhou Enterprise influence is very strong, but due to differences with supervisor on the restructuring concept to lose post of Harbin pharmaceutical group Chairman. Lv Mingfang made from traditional State-owned enterprises apply medicationto to the marketApply medicationto of change, Liu cunzhou raised the loudest slogan is "property rights revolution", whose goal is to achieve diversification of property rights by introducing new shareholders and at the same time achieve the monetization of Manager's human capital, his "Manager human capital of monetization" formulation is quickly understood as management holding shares in the market. But Liu cunzhou ideas did not to want to introduce the domestic counterparts win finalRecognition. Harbin pharmaceutical group reorganization of 2001 opened the prelude, and Shanghai worldbest group to discuss restructuring tera gold, ultimately failed. The end of 2004, Harbin pharmaceutical group, CITIC capital investment limited, United States Pincus, Heilongjiang chenergy-hit hi-tech venture capital company limited officially signed the restructuring agreement on capital increase, three as cash to Harbin pharmaceutical group increasedFunded more than 2 billion yuan, and become a new shareholder of Harbin pharmaceutical group, each stake in Harbin pharmaceutical group, 22.5%, 10%, Harbin City Commission holds 45% of original shareholders equity, continue to be a dominating position. And the Chairman Liu cunzhou submitted the resignation report, companies notice of reasons for "retirement reasons", Liu cunzhou subsequently addedAu dongsheng group private pharmaceutical enterprise, becoming Chief Executive. Apply medicationto group "Lv Mingfang times" heading, this newspaper will continue to focus on. Others:

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