Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold shall not organize acceptance - CYP

129773822121093750_123Housing and urban-rural development recently issued through various channels to strengthen affordable housing construction supervision, Department of housing and urban-rural construction for the implementation of the regulation on the construction and management of affordable housing program guidance, issued the notice on 2012, city affordable housing program (hereinafter referred to as the circular) requesting further enhance the protectionHousing allocation and quality control of work, promoting the 2012 social housing construction in cities and towns. Affordable housing projects will be established on the basis of the notification of the request, the provinces (regions and cities), construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department in conjunction with the development of the reform, agriculture, forestry and other sectors, as soon as the province (district, municipal) annual construction target set by the people's Government fallsAbstract to cities and counties, and urge all cities and counties to decompose to concrete construction projects. Transformation conditions of railway, non-ferrous, gold industry, such as squatter settlements, to be unified in the reconstruction programme. To urge the city construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department concerned actively coordinate the departments, optimized vetting procedures, improve work efficiency, and seize the location of newly started project items, planning, land, Construction procedures work, implementing the conditions of the construction, the project started as soon as possible; seasonal suspension of projects, to seize the time to resume work, accelerating the construction schedule. The circular also requested, completion of the projects included in the annual construction plan, basic (completed) project, from each of the provinces (regions and cities), construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department is responsible for the annual constructionProject Library, housing and urban-rural development before June 15, 2012 for the record. In the process of implementation of the annual plan, project changes, you want to update and report in a timely manner.����Annual construction plan projects, departments and supervise at all levels as an important information. Increase the intensity of investment in infrastructure for people concerned about affordable housing facilities construction and engineering qualityIssue, the circular to local governments in connection with reality optimization 2012 construction project planning, raising the level of planning and design. Set construction and location to make an appointment for convenient transportation, complete infrastructure sites, drainage, electricity, gas, heating, fire protection, and other facilities. To increase investment in supporting infrastructure, increase the rate of investment, as soon as possible an effectiveSupply, on supporting infrastructure spending pressures in regions, at the Central and provincial subsidies to tilt on funding arrangements.����Depending on your needs, synchronous planning and construction style, property management, education, health, public service facilities and commercial facilities such as community service, to accelerate the development of the public transport system. The notice also requires strict planning control and building material supply off, effectsQuality control, acceptance, and strengthening the project management to ensure quality and safety in a managed state.����To strictly enforce infrastructure programs, improve the relevant formalities, procedures, irregularity, infrastructure does not fit, do not meet the admission criteria of the project, shall not organize acceptance; unqualified acceptance of a project shall not be delivered. Attract Community funding to build affordable housing in the capital,Circular encourages local governments to broaden capital sources to increase the rate of investment. The circular specifically tera gold, all levels of construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department to actively cooperate with the Ministry of finance, research specific discount policy for public rental housing commercial bank loan, financial support of innovation, support and appeal to social capital social housing construction, operation and management. Central assistance fundsAfter the release, the provinces (regions and cities), construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department and coordinated with relevant departments, breaks the subsidies for the implementation within the prescribed time limit or specific to concrete construction of housing and urban-rural development project and for the record. The circular also demands that provincial (district, City) construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department in conjunction with the development of the reform, the financial sector, according to the Ministry of financeThe 2012 affordable housing program notification requirements of the financial arrangements and other related work, guiding the construction of 2012 County affordable housing program in calculation of investment demand and reasonable determination of annual investment, expand the channels of funding sources, financing arrangements, and broken down into various types of construction projects, ensuring all kinds of fundsSources in place, leaving no gaps. Strengthen statistical management information to make statistics more accurate annual targets to complete the construction of affordable housing, notification requirements at all levels of the construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department to tie in with the statistical departments, establishment of coordination of statistical information analysis and dissemination mechanisms, analysis and dissemination of statistical information. The circular specificallyStatistics started, completion of the Basic (completed) unit be monomer project, started in planning and design of permanent works have been the official ground breaking plow (Foundation or permanent) as the standard, basic completed design approved by project completion and basic file required to meet the conditions of use shall prevail. The circular also called on the provincial (district, City) construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) DepartmentIn the annual plan is finalized within 20 working days, in the open area of local government Web sites and the city (, State, League) annual construction plans and monthly open start and completion of the Basic (completed), take the initiative to accept supervision. In addition, the circular also urged all localities to urge the city perfect the supervision mechanism, perfect application, approval, publicity, waiting and review system, buildingState departments information sharing, joint review mechanisms. At the same time, further improve affordable housing, public housing, affordable housing, order merchandise distribution tera power leveling, such as operational and management approaches. Around the need to increase the intensity of supervision, strengthen construction, assign and manage all aspects of supervision and inspection. For construction projects not implemented, management is not in place, the slow progress, quality and safety risks of the projectTimely notifications, deadline rectification and reform and to relevant personnel be interviewed, accountability tera gold, dereliction of duty, fraud, abuse, and in severe cases, liability shall be investigated according to law. Others:

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