Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold really just a "number". The contractor tableAs shown in the - JEU

129788454856718750_94Chen Ping restart have two disk access detailed liquidation who has been in contact with the stars urgent About morning star urgent insolvency disputes continued to ferment. Yesterday (April 12), founder of the daily economic news reporter Chen Ping again reiterated in an interview, "$ 3.7 million owing money" are not false, but the latest explanation is given: "right now (just) debt relief for future results. "Chan explained to reporters yesterday that" offset "is the reality behind,Owe the company money only more than 140 more than one debtor, company more than more than 1000 franchisees do have debt problems. 3.7 million is not the final data, starting from today to May 15, site accounts one by one. At the same time, he also cleared and restart operations are described in detail, and said, there are already two home buying consortium of people talking about, was done in the pastCommission shop, another foreign power, contacts between the two sides has been going on for a week, but the outcome of the negotiations at least to wait six months or more. For outside investment in Alibaba is no longer news, Chen Ping and Alibaba, when in an interview with the daily economic news reporter, not the opinions expressed. $ 3.7 million credit how to count back looking for disk access tera power leveling, andIs planning a new operation, Chan is currently the most need to do is to liquidate debts. Question for the outside world, Chan said he knows there are two caliber, a spontaneous statistics is part of the franchisee's debt of approximately $ 6 million, a panel based data within the system to check for is their settlements from the $ 3.7 million. Chen Ping said, $ 3.7 million settlement in the packageIncluding security deposit, advance payments and collecting payment of fees and other relief, these will be returned to the franchisee, but does not include joining fees and management fees. Because in the franchise contract, these items will not be refunded. "We owe it to join the more than 6 million Yuan, but other people owe us more than 10 million Yuan, relief, the company still has $ 3.7 million debt. "Chan told the business daily newsJournalist explained. A debt is the largest general contracting of Inner Mongolia, were owed the company $ 1.5 million purchase price. Many franchisees to reflect the daily economic news reporter, in the actual operation, some debt is the system's data does not reflect the relationship. Chan expressed, then until May 15, to check sites individually. Of specific liquidation andGeneral contracting of debts would be transferred to the provinces, which was held in Beijing on April 1 15 of the total package will be discussed in the main content. In this regard, general contractor who asked not to be named told the daily economic news reporter concerned, even if the total package of the debt could be used to offset future costs, but there is a "bad check", really just a "number". The contractor tableAs shown in the (now) is no longer supported by idea tera gold, want to cash it Corporation to debt, at least a certain percentage of cash, such as 30%. Program May restart Beijing, Guangzhou, "I never thought of bankruptcy, it is not consistent with my personality. "Chan told the daily economic news reporters yesterday. Although in the eyes of the outside world, morning star urgent is "exists in name only." But Chen PingYesterday was hoping to check clearing, again. He also said the April 1 15 most branch has already started preparations for the meeting, the company is the same right down to the branch management. Chan believes that bankruptcy is nothing more than to escape debt at the same time wash yourself, but he wished to carry out their professional ethics and responsibility. But set before Chen PingIs an inescapable reality: after more than a month tera gold, "bankruptcy" shock, morning star urgent number of franchisees and employees has been torn apart, or even another way out, to restart operations easier said than done? In this regard, Chan said he is quite clear, the most serious of "splitting" is in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. But Chan said yesterday, Shanghai also hasThere are always willing to be, and that the company has been one of Zhejiang lump sum past joint reconstruction. For Beijing and Guangzhou, the program May restart. Others:

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